Chapter 6: Depre

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Today is April , 20th , 2023, and it's my fucking birthday. I'm 14 now. I share a birthday with Hitler. Depre slept over last night, even though I told him to go away.

I woke up this morning
but he told me to stay in bed with him
and so I did.
He made me sad
but it was a warm sad
He hugged me tight in bed
as I would shake
He ran his hand through my hair
My messy
I got up and put on my fancy dress
and then i looked into the mirror.

depre walked up behind me, and put his hands on my hips and looked into the mirror along with me. His shirt was lost among the sheets of my bed, the crazy jumble of black and white (my bedroom theme). He shook his head in dissapointment and said "You know that looks bad. You look fat. No one will ever love you." and he immediately wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight. very tight. he then lets me go, and sees me collapse on the ground. I start to tear up, my eyes becoming a dam.

Too bad my dam was fucking weak.

Water gushed, like waterfalls, but before i would wheez and catch my breath, depre's tounge was in my mouth.

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