First Day...

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Chad's POV:

I stepped out of the cab into the cool fall morning in Sacramento. I had just moved from Georgia and was just about to walk into my home of which I will share with my two best friends; Ian Hecox and Anthony Padilla. I walked up to the porch and rang the door bell, on the other side I heard footsteps followed by a few giggles. All of a sudden the door flew open and a cream pie was smashed into my face "And that people is how you do a prank!" Ian says to the camera. "We would like to introduce you to our best friend and new roommate Chad Mendes!" Anthony says to the camera.
I wave and take a piece of whipped cream on each side of my cheeks and smack them both "And that's how you do a revenge prank Smoshers!" I say as I'm laughing at Ian and Anthony as they wipe the whipped cream off their face.
"Well Anthony and I are gonna go clean up now, PEACE HOMEDOGS !! " Ian says. He then turns the camera off and we all laugh at the mess we now got to clean up, but before we do that I hug them both and I set my stuff inside."So what's up bro's, how's work been?" I ask them curiously. "It's been amazing" Ian says. "We're so glad that you decided to come work with us man, we missed you a lot" Anthony says as he smiles at the whipped cream pie and then looking at me says. "So you wanna eat this?" we all laugh.

Mari's POV:

The guys texted me to meet them at the Indian restaurant we go to along with the rest of the Smosh team at five o'clock, they said they have something important to tell us. I just put on some simple skinny jeans and a Smosh assassins creed t-shirt with a black leather jacket. I also put on a little makeup just in case we were going to record a video about it. I arrived at the restaurant at 4:45 but it looked like the rest of the crew was already there so I decided to go inside. I asked the manager if there was a reservation under Smosh (they said that's what they were going to be under) the manager walked me to our table. When I got there a chair was turned away from everyone, "Hey, guys what's going on?" I asked while raising an eyebrow.
"Well we decided to add one more person to the Smosh team" Ian and Anthony both said with a grin on their faces. "We would like to introduce you to the newest member Chad." With that the chair turned around and in it sat the cutest man I've ever seen. He had dark green eyes that complemented his jet black hair perfectly, his tan was light which made him look even cuter.

Chad's POV:

Ian, Anthony, and I were talking to the whole crew when Joven asked, "Hey, Where's Mari?"
Everyone looked around curiously when Anthony said "Hey lets have Chad turn around in his chair so when she comes we can introduce him in a funny way."
I swiveled the chair around facing away from the table. "When we say your name turn around. Okay?" Anthony told me.
My heart started to race with excitement. Who was this Mari person, What will they be like? Will they like me? All of this raced through my mind when I heard someone sit down. Ian and Anthony gave there little speech and then told the mystery person "We would like to introduce you to the newest member Chad."
That was my que, so I turned around to face the person in question, when I did my heart stopped. She was a beautiful brunette with stunning hazel eyes. Her body was cute and short which made her even more attractive. "Umm, Hi my name is Chad." I manage to stammer.
"Hi, name's Mari" she says giggling. The rest of the guys looked at the interaction dumbfounded.

Mari's POV:

The rest of the night was amazing; we ate, laughed, and had fun. Occasionally I would look over to see Chad looking at me, it made me blush every time. We all split the tab and when I went to leave when Chad came up to my car.
"Hey... Uhmm...I was wondering if you'd like to do something together so we can get to know each other better." his eyes glimmering in the moonlight.
"Sure, so where would you like to go mister Chad?" I say while blushing. We ended up going to a park to watch the stars. "God, It's so pretty" I say while looking up at the stars.
"Well I believe there's something else prettier than that" Chad says in a whisper looking down at me.
"I don't think so, there's nothing prettier in this world then snow and the stars"I say smiling noticing my favorite constellation.
With that Chad comes up to my ear and whispers "You are the prettiest thing in the world."
My heart skips a beat when he says that. I blush and turn to look at him "Well I think you are the cutest thing in the universe." He grabs me by my waist, pulls me in close, and kisses me.




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