The Movies

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Chad's POV:

The kiss was perfect. It was warm and tender to the touch and as our lips separated I was only able to mutter "Wow."
After that we got in my car and I drove her home. "I had a great night with you Chad" she said blushing before heading up the driveway of her home.
It was two o'clock by the time I got home, shit I thought to myself as I checked the clock on the radio, I slowly unlocked the door trying to close it behind me quietly. I took my Smosh jacket off throwing it on a chair, placing my keys on the counter when someone coughs behind me. "So...Where have you been till two o'clock this morning?" Ian said with a wicked grin on his face.
"Ummm...I was just hanging out with a friend" I say looking down at my feet.
"Is her name Mari? You know that girl you just met and were looking at during dinner yesterday? You know our friend Mari?" Anthony says a wicked grin on his face as well.
"Ok look guys. She's really pretty and I think I have a chance so please let me try with her" I look at them with pleading eyes.
They look at each other and then turn to me and say "Let us discuss this real quick." With that they went into the back room, coming back a few minutes later. "Yes" they both say smiling.

Mari's POV:

I slept heavenly the rest of the night. I had a dream that Chad and I were still sitting on that bench kissing, his eyes filled with lust as he kissed me. I woke up with a start blushing at the mere thought of him. I went making some coffee, after that I hopped in the shower, and got dressed for the day. I was wearing skinny jeans with a purple tank top to go with my jacket. I grabbed the keys to my car taking off to the Smosh studios. When I got there only Ian, Anthony, and Chad were there. 
        "Hey Mari, How are you doing this morning?" Ian and Anthony both say in unison.
          "I'm doing alright guys. What are you two up to?" I ask them suspiciously.
            They just smile, Ian saying "Chads in the back if you're looking for him."
             Great chad must have told them about last night. I went to the back to find Chad messing with all the editing equipment.
              "It isn't nice to stare at people miss" Chad said grinning but not taking his eyes off the computer.
               God he's so adorable "So, This is why the guys brought you down here to work with them" I say giggling.
                "Well that and because they missed this beautiful face being around all the time" he says while chuckling. His voice was deep and raspy and it made my head go for a spin.

Chad's POV:

Mari pulled up a chair behind me and wrapped her arms around me while putting her head on my shoulder. "So how does this stuff work, I mean I use the basic software but not the technical stuff" she says curiously. "Well there's a lot of very touchy pieces of video put in very specific spots so moving one thing could.." Before I could finish the sentence she spun my chair around and smashed her lips into mine, I pulled her into me and ran my fingers through her hair as she did with mine. I grabbed her by the waist and put her in my lap, I kissed along her jaw line and left love bites going down to her neck. She lifted my head up again and I kissed her again. Her lips where soft and tasted like strawberries, "so there's this movie tonight" I said between kisses. "Ok what's the movie?" she asks. "It's a horror film; supposedly the director had to walk out of the studio a couple times because some of the scenes were that gruesome." With that she smiled at me, kissed me and said "I'd love that."

Mari's POV:

I went straight home after work to get ready for my date with Chad. When I got home it was 4:30 so I hopped in the shower. After getting out I decided to curl my hair into ringlets and put on mascara along with gold shimmering blush that brought out my eyes. I put on a pair of jeans, a pink tank top and then a shirt laced at the back.
By the time I finished it was six o'clock shit Chad should be here any minute. As soon as the thought came to my mind the doorbell rang, my heart skipped a beat and I started to get giddy calm down Mari it's only a guy, a cute sweet and adorable looking guy.... Get ahold of yourself. I opened the door and nearly had a heart attack. Chad was wearing black skinny jeans with a band t-shirt and over it was a black leather jacket.
"I thought maybe we could take my motorcycle instead of the car" he said as he gave me a mischievous grin.
He handed me a helmet and I took it and put it on. He turned on the bike and it started to purr then we took off. When we got there we bought our tickets, soda, and bucket of popcorn. The rest of the movie I was holding on to Chads arm, resting my head on his shoulder. As we walked out to leave I yawned looking up at him smiling and then standing on my toes to give him a kiss.
"Hey, Would you like to crash at my place tonight?" Chad said with a devilish smirk.
"Yes.I would love that very much" I said blushing my head off.

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