
135 6 1

(authors note, not a chapter)

hi! my name is carly and i'm going to make a list of things you should know before you read this story. you can skip ahead to the next chapter if you don't care lol.

I: i already wrote and published a few chapters of this fanfiction but i kept getting annoyed with it and updating 67 times a day so...
II: i don't do long chapters. at all.
III: i caN'T write smut and i'm pretty sure you don't want to see me try because the only inspiration i have is the milk fic and the hat fic.
IV: i really hope i don't kill anyone in this oops lol.
V: my writing time is from 1-4am so if anything is weird, you'll know why!
VI: i'm so lame what am i doing?? just go and read the book. gotta blast!

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