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sunday afternoon. usually josh would be binge watching a show on netflix, but for some odd reason, he was walking around town. it was different, but relaxing. he forgot how deprived he was of the fresh air.

josh continued wandering around until he recognized someone. was it really him?

the boy was jared grayson. josh hadn't seen him since the fifth grade!

josh decide to approach the boy because, after all, he was feeling rather different today.

choosing to be causal, he began with a, "hey, jared. remember me? we used to go to school together."

instead of receiving a positive answer, like josh expected, all the boy answered was, "pardon?"

"i'm josh dun. we went to fifth grade together." responded josh, still having a small amount of faith.

"i'm sorry, josh, but my name is tyler joseph and i am afraid to say that i have never seen you in my life."


[author's note -
yes i took this story down and yes i only did it to change my vocabulary and the cover. fight me.] *✧・゚*:✧・゚*

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