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"homo. no homo. homo," tyler said to himself while plucking the petals off a flower, trying to figure out who he was.
josh, the last thing tyler thought about before falling asleep. josh, the boy who constantly filled tyler's mind. josh, tyler's best and only friend.

incoming call from josh dun

"buenos dias!" tyler shouted.

"salutations!" josh exclaimed. "do you want to get coffee? there's this place called 'philosopher's cup' and they play really cool music."

tyler, happily surprised, responded with, "sounds good! i like it there."

"really?" josh asked, "i didn't think anyone knew about it. it is really small after all."

"i guess you could say i'm," tyler paused, "fairly local."


[authors note -
aand that's all you gon' get for now. i love short chapters if you couldn't tell :-). also, wRiTeRs BlOcK cAn SuCk My AsS tHaNk YoU vErY mUcH!!] *✧・゚*:✧・゚*

mistake - joshlerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα