»day twenty-two«

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January 2,2015.


3:56 pm


"What do you want to do?" Nick asks and turns to me,his neck vain popping out a little.

"I don't know." I start moving my legs on the ground, stopping when it started to burn. Stupid carpet burn.

"Do you want to make snow angels?" I nod and he tries to get up, groaning when he can't.

"Can we just sit here for a while?" He asks, sighing. I sit back down next to him, his arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"How are you feeling?" He shrugs at my question, closing his eyes.

"Scared out of my mind."

"What? Why?" He puts his arm around me, inhaling deeply.

"I'm scared I'm going to wake up and it all just be a dream." He mumbles.

"You won't, now I'm going to the bathroom and when I'm done you better be up and ready." I get up and he groans.

I didn't have to use the bathroom,  I just wanted to make sure I look okay. After fixing my hair I stand there for a minute, practicing how I want to tell him. I can't just causally say 'oh yeah by the way I may or may not be moving away.' I don't even know for sure if I am, but there's a really good chance. Finally I talk myself into going back out there, where Nick is now standing in his kitchen.

"We need to talk." He leans onto the counter, his lips parting.

"Oh no, god I knew this was coming just not so soo-"

"Nick, calm down, I'm not breaking up with you. You might want to after I tell you this though." I take a shaky breath and Nick looks at me with confusion.

"Are you pregnant? I promise I'll help you raise it, I-I could be the greatest dad in the world- wait. You aren't pregnant. What's going on?"

"Well, um, my mom got a job."

"That's awesome! Where at?" He leans further onto his hands, making my heart hurt.

"Uh, University of Illinois."

"She's only going, right? Please tell me I'm right." He begs, and I stay silent. I didn't want to leave him. Or Emily. Or Christian. Hell, I don't want to leave his family!

"Are you pulling a prank on me? Very funny." He laughs sarcastically, stopping when I didn't laugh with him.

"Nick, I'm not pranking you. I'm moving to Chicago."


"Nick, I am."



"No! You can't okay? You're all I have!" He slams his hand on the table and I flinch at the sudden noise.

"Nick, I don't want me to move either, but I have to."

"No you don't! You are eighteen right? You can live on your own, we can move somewhere together."

"My parents would never allow that, they already said I'm going with them and that's final."

"I don't fucking care! You can't leave me, you promised. God damn-it Arabella you promised!" He raises his voice and I start getting annoyed (not to mention how aggravated I was already with Mother Nature.).

"Nick I just found out! Why the hell do you think I would want to leave you?"

"Why wouldn't you? You can have anyone in the world, and you chose me. You have everyone wrapped around your finger! I'm still wrapped around your god damn finger! I have been since sixth grade!" He screams, slamming both his hands down.

"Do you not see how many girls look at you all day? Do you know how lucky I am? If anything you're the only reason!"

"Don't you dare put this on me."

"Well it seems you already have, so I don't have to do anything besides sit here and get yelled at for something I don't even have a say in."

"Get out." He points to the door, which I gladly go to. After it sinks in what just happened, I was already sitting outside without shoes on confused. I put my shoes on and walk to the park, texting the group to meet me there.

3:09 am

A tapping sound comes from my window, scaring me.

"Arabella!" Nick cheers as I open my window, his tear-stained face shining in the light.


"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I roll my eyes at the cheesiness, but forgive him anyway.

"Go to bed loser. I love you."

»authors note«

Words excluding authors note- 747.

I started school :( it's awful omg



(Not edited)

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