»Day Twenty-Nine«

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January 9, 2015.


9:00 am


Abe Lincoln is calling.

"Nick I swear to god I am not helping you again."

"Hello to you too sweetie, what are you doing today?"

"Hanging out with you, like always. Why do you ask?" I stop chewing my pancake, answering him.

"What are you wearing?" I look down at my One Direction onesie Christian got me, laughing as I see Zayn's face on there.

"A one direction onesie."

"Well that's not dance appropriate, go put on the dress I got you."

"Is this some fifty shades of gray crap because I am not doing it if it is."

"If you call a dance fifty shades of gray crap, then yes." He laughs.

"A dance?" I ask, standing up and picking up my plate.

"Yes a dance."


"Already talked to your parents about it, don't try to get out of it. I'll see you at two." He hangs up, leaving me confused in the middle of my kitchen.

"Hey Arabella." Gray walks in, rubbing his eyes. He was crying, which made me worried.

"Why are you crying?" I hug Gray, kissing his forehead.

"We sold the house." Gray sniffs.

"What?" My heart drops, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I can't leave Nick.

"We have two weeks left here, then Chicago here we come." Gray says the last part sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I wish I was." Gray shakes his head and leaves the kitchen.

2 PM

"Honey, Nick's here!"

"Holy- you look beautiful." Nick hands me flowers, smiling.

"You look good." I punch him lightly on the shoulder, laughing at him.

"I know, thanks though." He jokes, wrapping his arm around my waist. His hand touches the bare skin on my side and I could practically see the sparks fly. God, he's the only light I want. He kisses my forehead, resting his cheek on my head.

"We should get going." Nick says after we take some pictures, guiding me to the car.

"So where is this place?" I turn to him, careful so I don't ruin my hair.

"Well Jack thought it would be cool to have it in the forest. But we need to go to the hospital first."

Soon, we reach the hospital. We go into Christian's room, where Christian was sitting in a wheelchair with a tux on. Emily stood next to him in a dress, which was weird for Emily.

"So let's get this party started!" Christian throws his arms up in the air, making me laugh.

"We're meeting the others there." We all pile into the car, driving to the woods.

"This is sketchy." Christian laughs, looking out the window.

"Sorry dude, but you guys are stealing Arabella from me, so I have to kill you." He says and I nod along with him, looking at how scared they look.

"I'm kidding, calm down a little man." Nick laughs, parking the car. He gets out and opens my door, then helping Christian into his chair.

"You look stupid." I laugh at the blonde boy.

"You always look stupid."

"Wow Christian, I'm hurt. That hurt me so much." I roll my eyes, walking towards the two boys in the clearing.

"You look good." Mike says, running his hands through his hair.

"Thanks dude."

It has now been two hours, and I was talking to Emily.

"Go dance with penis boy, look at how lonely he is." I look back at Nick, who was staring at me.

"Come on, I bet you I'll beat you in a dance battle." Nick says, raising his eyebrows at me.

"You've got yourself a deal, Nicky."

»authors note«
Words excluding authors note- 625.


Thank you so much for all the amazing feedback I get, it makes me really happy.

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