More Like Five Seconds of Losers

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    My brain was telling me to back out, but my mouth had other plans.
"Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together," I began to sing. "I need the other one to hold you. Make you feel, make you feel better."

I felt myself getting softer and softer.

"It's not a walk in the park to love each other."

My eyes wandered from one place to another, looking for the right person.

"But when your fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny, you're worth it."

I pointed at a random space so it looked like I was actually talking to someone.

Then I made up my mind and closed my eyes.

"Cause after all this time..."

Opening my eyes once again, only to look at the person I wanted to look at from the start, I sang,

"I'm still into you."

This person seemed to be the only one was truly interested out of all the people in the huge mob. And he looked at me too, with the most encouraging smile I've ever seen.

"I should be over all the butterflies. I'm into you, I'm into you. And baby even on our worst nights, I'm into you, I'm into you. Let 'em wonder how we get this far, cause I don't really need to wonder at all. Yeah, after all this time," I paused.

"I'm still into you."

I began to relax and everything passed by so quickly that I was already on my last sentence. I wanted to move around more.

And to think I was already having fun.

"Yeah after all this time," I smirked. "I'm still into you."

The song ended and to my outmost surprise, there was a thunderous around of applause. I was so taken aback by the response that I almost bowed already. (My bandmates and I agreed that we'd bow only after the third song, which was coming up next).

Luke went onstage after, and Calum whispered something that made both of them grin.

After grabbing his guitar in preparation for the last performance, Luke then went to the mic and spoke.

"I think that was the best cover of 'Still Into You' I have ever heard," he said and I was already buying in to all the flattery. "But enough with the covers. Here's an original song by us called 'Rejects'. We hope you'll enjoy."

And with a nod serving as our cue, Michael started off with a guitar riff he made to spice things up a hundred times more.

"Back at school, they all thought I was an outcast car crash. A hopeless fool they said to me," I proudly sang the lines I made. It was Luke's turn next.

"And my girlfriend said I messed up will I ever grow up. In the end," he shrugged. "I'm not gonna."

"What was I thinking?" Luke and I sang the chorus together. "Everyone sees it. It's not a secret that I'm just a reject. Sick of the system, don't wanna hear it. It's not a secret that I'm just a reject."

"My teacher said, I was 'mentally disabled so unstable'," Michael said, quoting one of his teachers two years ago. "So I'll stay in bed, all day.

"Save your breath, you can talk to me but I'm not listening," Ashton sang, while playing the drums.

"If this is a test," Calum smiled, trying to control himself. "Then I'm probably failing." He gave up, laughing after he said his part.

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