Chapter One {Edited}

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|Chapter One|


One Year Later ...

I willed myself to be ridiculously quiet as I tiptoed up the stairs to the Alpha and Beta floor. I had overheard some elders discussing the return of the Beta and how Alpha Aiden was going to be calling him tonight.

I had trued earlier to get some information out of Ellie, my best friend, guardian and the Luna of the pack. She looked at me knowingly, and I knew my attempt to be discrete about approaching the subject had failed. She subtly leaned over and whispered that her mate, Alpha Aiden and her were going to call him after dinner, and that she would leave the door to their floor open.

So here I was, trying my very best to be as quiet as I could. I made it to the Alpha Office without any problems and I leaned over and pressed my ear against the cold wooden door. Quieting my breathing I used my werewolf hearing to listen in on their conversation.

"... And when do you plan to return Jace? It's been four and a half years. You told me you were leaving for only four." I could hear the frustration in the Alpha's voice.

"Yes, I know. But it's been a long time. You know how difficult is it to run a pack without a beta present." Alpha growls and I jump a little. "Don't you dare count those drop-ins you do every year. You and I know both know why you do it and it isn't for the pack."

My heart skips a beat. So he has been dropping in every year. That musky, unbearably desirable scent and that white rose and note have to be him. I suspected as much but this just confirms it! He does come! And those notes, Happy Birthday Little Wolf, just remembering the words sends my heart racing and my face burning red.

"... And it isn't for the pack" That's what Alpha Aiden had just said. I place a hand on my racing heart, I feel like it's about to jump out and run off. If he comes every year, on my birthday, and leaves me a note and that white rose. He comes! I shake my head.

Stop weaving silly dreams Belle. It's bad enough that your little crush on the Beta has lead you to sneak up to the Alpha's office and eavesdrop, no need to jump to such outrageous conclusions. It's all just a coincidence.

"...You can't run forever Jace. I understand what you're going through. But you can't keep this hidden from her forever. She needs to know." 

Alpha's words spark a burning fire of jealously in me so strong it makes me stumble back a step. Woah! I need to calm down, he is not my mate. Well, nothing's been confirmed, but still. I need to get a grip over myself.

"You can come in now Belle." I jump and my eyes go wide when I hear Alpha Aiden address me.

I slowly open the door to the office and sheepishly smile up at my Alpha. His standing, leaning against his desk and Ellie is sitting on the chair with a smile on her face. My eyes narrow at her.

"You ratted me out!" I mutter the accusation at her playfully.

"Not really Belle, I smelled you the minute you stepped foot on the floor" Alpha Aiden smiled over at me, his eyes full of amusement. Damn it! I forgot about covering my scent.

I look up when I hear them both start laughing and I huff and cross my arms over my chest. Alpha walks over to me and ruffles my hair and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "Come on kiddo, don't be upset." I look up and give him a small smile, since my parents murder, these two have been the closest to family, aside from my brother of course. And I will forever be in their debt for their kindness in offering Eric and I the shelter and love we needed.

"I hope your little mission on eavesdropping went successful, even if you got caught?" 

My face burns warm, it was no secret to them about my crush on the Beta. I swiftly duck out of Alpha's arms and dash out the door, even if they knew it was still every bit embarrassing.

As I ran down the stairs to my floor, I could hear the amused laughter behind me and my face burned red for the millionth time tonight. 

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