Chapter Four

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|Chapter Four|


I ran as fast as I could, I was trying to escape not only Beta Jace but my thoughts too. I seemed to be my own enemy. As thoughts ran through my head, my heart hurt more and more.

Was I ugly?

Did he love someone else?

Did he not want a mate?

Why did he leave?

Why would he leave those notes?

Did he see me as a child? Is that why he left?

The last thought hurt the most. Fates! Of course he'd see me as a child, I was nothing but a pup to him. A weak pack member compared to his Beta status, not worthy. I was not worthy of him.

But I was only 15 when I met him, months away from 16, a fully grown mature she-wolf. And he was only three years my senior, he wasn't even that much older. But, clearly in his eyes, I was unworthy. Fates! I never thought I'd be rejected.

This hurt more than a direct rejection. I'd rather him just tell me he didn't want me than to leave his pack and sneak around. Why does this hurt so much!

I could see the pack house in view when I left strong arms wrap around my waist and tingles shoot up my spine. Oh no no no no no, not yet!

One minute I see the pack house and the next, I'm up against a tree, eyes locked with my so called mate.

"Belle, you need to hear me out" I narrowed my eyes. No, I do not mister.

I struggled against his hold, not bothering to reply to his words. He did not deserve anything from me. He gently grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head.

"Stop struggling, mate" He growled.

"Do not call me mate, Beta! You made it loud and clear, when you left without even bothering to claim me, that I was no mate of yours!" I growled out as I continued to struggle.

He growled in return, oh, he thinks I'm going to be intimated by his growl, does he, huh? I growled right back my eyes narrowed and glaring. He groaned.

"Stop growling at me!"

ME! STOP GROWLING AT HIM?! Who the hell does he think he is! I was fuming with anger.

"You stop growling first!" I growled back at him.

"What are you, five? We are not playing the 'you first' game, pup."

There it was. Pup. I paled. This day just keeps getting worse. I looked to the side, not wanting to look at him anymore and gave up fighting.

"Belle..." Jace spoke in an unsure tone, but I didn't pay any heed. I wanted to leave. I clenched my jaw and bit my lip to keep from crying. Goddess, how did I get myself into this situation? Why did shit like this always happen to me?

I turned and looked Jace straight in the eye. Letting him see the unshed tears and hurt in them.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I gritted out. His jaw drops slightly as his eyes search my own, looking for what I had no clue. After a couple seconds he hesitantly let out, and I slip past him and run into the pack house, straight to my room and onto my bed where I let out the sobs that I was so desperately trying to hold in.


I have no idea how long I was in my room crying before I heard Ellie's light knocking on my door.

"Are you alone?" I ask, not in the mood for Alpha Aiden and definitely not in the mood for Jace.

"I am."

I got up and unlocked the door and moment later I was once again sobbing but in Ellie's arms. She ran soft soothing circles on my back as I continued to cry my heart out.

"It's okay sweetie, you need to let him explain. Once-" I push away from her.

"You knew, didn't you?!" I exclaimed "Of course you knew! This afternoon makes so much more sense now. I'm such an idiot. I trusted all of you, and every single one of you lied to me and hide the truth. You and the Alpha both watched me desperately look for my mate every single year. And he?! He left me here, knowing I was his mate!" I screeched. Why did this hurt so goddamn much!

"You need to leave. I'd like to be alone" I stated, my words without any emotion and my back turned to Ellie. I've never spoken to her like this. But, I needed to be alone. My heart hurt too much to be surrounded by those who had participated in its ache.

"Belle, just-"

"Leave. Me. Alone." I gritted out.

A moment later, I heard the door close and I fell to the ground defeated. What was so wrong with me that my parents left me, the family that took me in and cared for me lied to my face for years. And the one individual made for me, my other half left me for years.

Sobs erupted out of me again. And I sat there on the cold ground, crying, alone. 

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