Chapter Two

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|Chapter Two|


It's only been two days since I was caught eavesdropping, but I still haven't been able to look Alpha Aiden in the eyes. I've been doing my very best to avoid him, too embarrassed of my actions, but most of all the fact that he now knows of my childish, and obsessive, crush on the Beta.

Ellie, on the other hand, found the entire situation too amusing. I could hardly keep my face from going red every time Alpha Aiden were to come into the room. And, each time my face went beat red, Alpha Aiden would chuckle and ruffle my hair. I would always be a child to him.

I prayed to the Moon Goddess, and every other powerful being, that Jace wouldn't see me like that.

Goddess! If someone were to hear my thoughts, I would be punished for sure. Calling about the Beta by name! But, no matter how much I condemned it, it seemed as if my natural instincts towards him were to remove the title. As to treat him my equal, as I him. Goddess, help me.

I strolled into my room silently, still caught up in my thoughts. I was so preoccupied, I almost missed the faint scent that now coated my room. Almost. I froze in my tracks and looked around, in search of the plain purple note that usually accompanied this specific, heartwarming scent.

There it sat. Neatly placed on my bookshelf it sat beside yet another fresh white rose. Swiftly, I dropped my purse on the ground, no care for it anymore, and rushed over to my shelf. I was almost too scared to read it. It wasn't my birthday; hell it wasn't even a holiday. Whatever would the reason be for the note's presence?

Hesitantly, I picked up the note and the rose. I smelled the rose first, allowing its beautiful scent calm me. The rose smelt wonderful, but it was the strong mixture of the Jace's musky scent mixed in that calmed my nerves. With all my nervous heightened, I slowly opened the note.

I'm back. There is a truth you will learn. I apologize in advance.

- J

He's back. He's back. He's back.

The fact that this was the longest note, and probably the most, he's ever written or spoken to me didn't register in my brain. Neither did any of the other words on note. The only thing that went through my brain on repeat like a mantra was, He's back. He's back. He's back.


I was pacing back and forth waiting for Ellie to come by, wringing my hands impatiently. I had spent the better part of the past hour rereading the note and pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

The minute I realized everything that was happening was true, I sent word for Ellie through the pack link. I asked her to hurry, that it was an emergency and that was five minutes ago. This woman!

The door swung open and she rushed in, panting.

"What." She took in a deep breath. "Is." Deep breath. "Wrong" Deep breath.

"Five minutes, Ells! If I were being attacked, I could have been dead by now!" I sassed her, I was only teasing and by the way her eyes narrowed and her hands went to her hips, I'm praying she knew that.

Pointing a finger, she stalked towards me. "You little rascal! You're perfectly fine! I bloody well ran here from the other side of this damn house!"

I chuckled, of course she did. I smiled softly, feeling slightly guilty for making her worry.

"I'm physically fine, yes. But, Ells, is he back?" The last part came out as a whisper. And then it hit me. As happy as I was of his return, I was terrified to face him. What were I to do? Do I shake his hand? Would he ruffle my hair like I were a child? Would he call me 'kiddo' just like Alpha Aiden? Would he have brought his mate?! The last thought hurt more than anything. I'd rather him look at me as a child, unworthy of him, than watch him with his mate. I don't know what's wrong with me, for Goddess sake, when did this childish crush turn into – whatever the hell this was!

Ellie looked at me softly, and nodded slowly.

"Yes, Belle, he arrived early this morning." This morning! My eyes flew to the digital clock on my nightstand. It was four in the afternoon! He's been here since early morning. I think I'm going to faint.

Ellie, probably noticing how pale I got, gently grabbed my shoulders and sat me down.

"I don't know what's wrong with me Ell" I whispered as I laid my head in on her shoulder and she rubbed soothing circles down my back.

"I know, sweetheart, I know." She placed her head on top of mine as we just sat there.

Gathering as much as courage as I could, I sat up and braced myself for what I were to ask her.

"Did he," I cleared my throat. "I mean; does he have his mate with him?" I whispered, daring to peek a glance at her. Her eyes softened incredibly and she looked at me with guilt. My heart dropped to my stomach.

"His mate is not with him, per se." She said. Confused, my head tilted slightly to my left – an old habit of mine.

"What do you mean? So, he's found his mate?" I immediately regretted asking the question. I didn't want to know.

"He did."

I sucked in a quick breath. My heart sinking lower by each second.

"When?" I asked. I didn't know what I was doing this to myself. Why was I purposely asking questions that I knew would only cause me pain? But, as much as I didn't want to know, it was as if I needed to know.

"Years ago, Belle. But, this isn't my story to tell. He will explain everything to you. I promise." I put her hand on top of mine, and rubbed my arm with her other hand soothingly.

"He won't. Why would he? He owes me nothing, I'm but a child to him." My heart was breaking. My two biggest fears when it comes to Jace. For him to want another, and for him to see me as a child. I wasn't that much younger than him. But I was sure, he didn't see it like that. Hell! Alpha Aiden, who was the same age as Jace – only three or four years older than me – saw me and called me a child on the daily.

Ellie looked at me sweetly, stood up and pat my shoulder with reassurances.

"You're very wrong there, Belle. He owes you more than you think, and you mean more than to him than you could ever imagine. He will explain. Just, listen to him. Let him explain to you why he did what he did. Keep an open mind. Don't shut him out"

Shut him out? Why would I ever shut him out? Till this day, I could never think of a single thing he's done to hurt me.

I am back! I'm so sorry for being MIA for so very long. I've started a new chapter of my life, and was settling in. But, I will try my very hardest to keep on top of my updating from now on. And will get around to updating the other stories I have as well! 

:) happy readings!  

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