Chapter Three

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|Chapter Three|


I needed a distraction and to be as far away from the pack house as I could be. Which is why I was here, by the lake on the pack's territory with my best guy friend, Xander.

I loved him to death, and he was one of my closest friend aside from Ells. We meet days after I first arrived in this pack and had clicked instantly. He'd lost a brother to the rouges and understood my grief, and got along with Eric splendidly. Plus, he was hot.

We had hooked up a couple times, but decided to leave things casual and remains friends. We both had mates out there, and my mega crush on the Beta didn't help.

"I'm guessing we're here because the Beta is back?" Xander asked as he took his shirt off and made his way to the water. I scoff, of course he'd figure it out.

He turned around and laughed.

"You look like an angry old lady when you make that face" He yelled from the water laughing. I threw my show at him and flipped him off. All I got in return was his amused laughter.

"Hurry up and get in the water Belle!" Chuckling and shaking my head I started to take off my shirt, this is just the distraction I needed.

I wasn't even half way through taking my shirt off when I froze and stuck my nose in the air. What was that scent, and why did it smell so good but so familiar? It smelled so good, Fates, where was it coming from?

"Belle! What's wrong?" I didn't even notice that Xander was out of the water and beside me. He gently gripped my shoulders and turned me to face him. But, I paid him no heed, all my attention was trying to find the source of that mouth-watering scent.

A deadly growl erupted from the right of us. The same direction as that scent. Snapping my head in the direction of the sound and scent, my eyes connected with his beautiful brown ones. My wolf came to life jumping in my head and yelling and exclaiming.


My mate. I sucked in a sharp breath. Beta Jace was my mate.

Relief and happiness soured through my body. My knees wobbled with the joy that cruised through me at finding my mate, and if it weren't for Xander holding me I would've fallen to the ground. 

Wait. Uh oh.

Xander. Was holding me. Shirtless. And, Beta Jace did not look happy.

He let out a snarl and within a second Xander's arms were replaced Beta Jace's strong tanned ones. And, they sent such pleasurable tinges up my spine. Goddess have mercy.

My wait was finally over. I had found my mate. I sighed with relief as I leaned my head against his chest and smiled with I heard him growl "Mine."

Wait. Beta Jace was my mate. He knew years ago; he was 18 when I first met him. He knew for all those years when he stayed away. I pushed him away and took a step back.

"You! Y-you're my mate!" I exclaimed, pointing my finger at him. I cursed myself for not keeping a steady voice.

"Look Bell-" He calmly spoke as he took a step towards me. I instantly stepped back, keeping a good distance between us. Fates why did he need to have such a nice deep voice. Stay strong Belle!

"Stay the hell where you are! Goddess! You knew! And you left?!" I yelled. I felt a pang of guilt when he cringed and a look of hurt and guilt flashed over his face. Strong Belle.

"You left me" I whispered. Not even angry, but hurt. My eyes widened as the realization ran through me and my heart dropped to my stomach. "You rejected me"

I turned around, passing Xander who was surprisingly still here and ran off in the direction of the pack house. I needed some space to think. Goddess! This was not how I planned on meeting my mate. Hell, this was not how I planned my crush for the Beta to end up. 

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