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5 years ago

Ring... ring..

Hello? My voice is groggy

Baby, it's me. We landed safely and we are now on our way home. How are you?

I'm fine babe. Thank God you are all safe. How's.. aah.

Babe? .. are you crying?

No. Yes! Please come back, I want to say.

I know you do. What's wrong?

I miss you so much.

Awe babe. Don't worry I'll call you on the Skype tomorrow. Oh! Sorry I forgot. What's your time now?

Three a.m.

Oh I'm sorry babe. You should go to sleep now. I love you!

I love you more.



I bought soooo many bags of skittles today, I also bought ice cream and chocolates. I know it's pathetic. Today, April 21, the day you left me and fled towards United Kingdom.

I'm in my room today, and I won't be going out. I prepared some movies to watch on. Even the videos we have recorded when we're still together.

Do you remember when you tripped over while we're gathering woods for the bonfire? I asked you if you're okay, and you said yes. But when I looked back, I saw the tears in your eyes and you're trying to control them not to fall. Haha I laughed so loud and then you just pout there like a child. You're such a big baby.

My big baby.

N. x

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