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4 years ago (July 2011)

Hi babe. You know what, I have something to tell you. He smiled.

Okay. Tell me. I shifted my position to be more comfortable and looked at him eagerly through my laptop screen.

I got a job. And it's the best day of my life. He said. Excitement was present on his beautiful face.

Really babe? Oh my God! I'm so happy for you! Uhm. What company? When did you get hired? Is the company too far from your place? I'm so happy for him that I literally squealed and jump like there's no tomorrow.

Woah there babe! One question at a time. He teased

Sorry. I'm just happy. So, what's the company you'll be working at?

It is a restaurant babe, it's called Le Paris. I'm the one in charged of cooking. So maybe you know what I mean. He smirked.

I love it when he smirked like that. I so love it that it annoyed the hell out of me. Don't get me wrong I love him still. Sometimes he's just being a douche bag.

Oh my God! When did you get hired? You didn't tell me earlier. I pouted my lips.

I just got hired babe. And to answer your last question a while a back, that place is just 20 minute drive away from mine. Don't worry

That's great then. Well, I hoped you do a good job babe.

Anyway, I will be starting tomorrow. So I got you something, wait for me. I'll be back. He stood up and went somewhere I can't see.

When he came back, confusion clouded my mind.

What's that for babe? I asked.

Happy Birthday to my ever dearest princess, baby, queen, sweet cake, darling, honey, angel. I love you so much babe . You were, you are, you will always be my baby. I'm so lucky to have you! He said so sweetly.

I cried because of happiness. He's my happiness. He's my key to survival. He's my everything.

Oh my God! I love you babe. A lot. I love you. I love you. I love you!! I didn't even notice the day. OMG it's really my birthday!


Well, happy birthday to me! Got so many presents from our friends today. So many birthday greetings as well. The girls even prepared a small party for me. I may say I'm so happy but then that would be a lie. Uhm, maybe I'm happy but it feels like I'm not complete. Maybe because I wasn't with you.

Remember when you bought me a cake but it was ruined because Shai tripped over and fell straight face to the cake? And then I cried about it, saying that my birthday cake was ruined over and over again.

Afterwards, you went out and bought five different flavors of cake. I love you so much at that moment that I kissed you like there's no tomorrow.

N. x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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