pumpkin pie

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let's just take a moment to appreciate the holy goodness that is pumpkin pie


so fall is coming around (does anyone say autumn anymore? I dunno tbh.) and the pumpkin spice latteeee is coming back woooo, anyway Starbucks was all like

"we ain't gon make it using caramel anymore were going to use real pumpkin" and I'm like yep pumpkin spice latte, the only thing made out of everything but pumpkins :D


and every year when the season comes around I immediately call up my dad and I'm like "we're gonna go get some PUMPKIN PIE" and he's like yeassss, and we go to Trader Joes which is the bomb.com for pumpkin pie, (Costcos pumpkin pie is just crap), and you know you take a bite into that nice thang like yum yummy yum

I love everything pumpkin tbh

except raw pumpkin

that would be weird

I can just imagine the headlines

"Teenage girl found biting into a raw pumpkin at a local event, spectators are considering calling the psych center"

that basically explains my whole life tbh

I remember once my dad and I had made some pumpkin pie at home (actually no my dad was the one who made it but I said I would help, haha we all know that didn't happen) so I just sat in front of the oven for like two hours looking at the amazing master piece inside, then I had to wait another two hours while we put it in the fridge


and it turned out my dad burned the entire crust and im like


but the inside was reallllyyy good really really good

another time was at school our teachers birthday was on pie day like 3.whatever XD so we all got pies for her birthdayyyy

my duty was to get pumpkin pie (CUS duh) but it's was like March I think and no one has pumpkin pie T-T again FML

but everyone was counting on me to bring pumpkin pie, so I did my duty

after going to like 6 stores I found a Costco in Maryland that had pie and I'm like HALLALUJIEUH I so spelled that wrong omfg

but it was Costco and remember when I said Costco has crappy pie


and everyone was like "nom nom this is soooo good" and I'm like

"Senpai don't lie to me this is crap"

and they were all like "noooooo it's sooooo good"

and then I felt pity because they hadn't tasted good pie before

but everyone got like a million pies, there was apple, cherry, blueberry, pineapple, this weird cinnamon one, some people got cookies and omfg one of my friends got a can of whip cream and I have photos in my photo album of me with my mouth over flowing with whip cream and a cookie stuck in there like what

but that was a good day

so if you havent ever tasted pumpkin pie, you're missing out

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