moody weather

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so I feel the need to address this because I live in Virginia that has the moodiest weather known to man kind.

not even kidding here, yesterday it was raining full blast and 3 minutes later it stopped...

I mean dafuq weather decide do u wanna pee on the world or not cos LIEK my plants need ur pee


it's freezing during the morning then it gradually get warm and the sun decide to finally show up, then it just gets cold again T-T

I feel like a lot of ppl experience this but for gods sake it's November, I want snow days so I don't have to go to schoooollllllll

and and on Halloween this year I wore short sleeves cos there was just a little breeze, usually during Halloween I have to wear 5 layers (two pants, 3 shirts) yes 2 pants. on top of each other. T-T

I'm just waiting for 6 inches of snow please please earth please

I'm trying to be patient but December is gonna come then January then what

then it's spring


at least we still get winter break and spring break.. the whole point of winter break is to celebrate Christmas and let the snow pass so u can go to school but nooooo we don't have snow

and we have to run 1 mile every Monday but how do we run when it's fucking Antarctica outside in the morning?

but now we don't have to becos our gym teacher game birth over the weekend and we have a sub

this is why I hate autumn (I refuse to call it fall) first of all we have all those nasty brown leaves in mud puddles every where

second; we get that nasty air smell that's kinda like rain mixed with gasoline mixed with leaves and grass

third; we get gross frost everywhere that turns black from the dirt and just melts every where

ppl taking about how pretty this season is psh I just want summer back

plus since it's not quite winter yet the mosquitos r still alive and they harbor in my house for warmth

my point is this weather needs to calm its tits and decide what it wants out of life

like these clouds need to stop urinating it's disturbing everyone

and the air needs to go get its divorce finish so it can get its salty ass out of here and stop frosting our car windows so that we cant drive

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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