Jealous Much?! (Chapter 8)

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*In Roc's Car*

Roc: So Ki did you have a great time?

Kiya: Oh yea it was awesome

Roc: Good

Kiya: Roc not trying to be mean or anything but don't you have a gf?

Roc: Yea why?

Kiya: Because we were on a date tonight

Roc: Ok that's not considered cheating we can be umm friends

Kiya: What bout Prodigy and the others?

Roc: Well you're my best friend who's a girl. How do you like that?

Kiya: That's great.

Roc: Well want to double date with Krissy and Prince tomorrow?

Kiya: Yea, why not?

Roc: Good and we are at your destination ma'am 

Kiya: Hahha bye Roc see you tomorrow

Roc: Yea see ya

Kiya: Bye

*Roc drives out the driveway*

Roc's POV

I think I'm beginning to like Kiya and that's a bad thing because my girlfriend has a jealous soul she already hates me hanging with my own sister like wtf dude. Oh and did I tell you guys me and the guys decided to go to Krissy's school? Yep we transferred Friday I didn't tell Krissy just to surprise her. I did tell Shea however and she said she already saved us spots. Umm not to be rude but I don't like hanging with her because she acts differently around certain people and is over dramatic. But anyway I really don't like the idea of Kris going on dates with Jacob because I know his ways and he's a player he's just like a baseball player he just hits the girl and run and umm no way in hell  he's going to do that to my sister. Well umm I'm making myself mad thinking about it and why am I talking to myself that's weird. Roc I think you're losing it. See there I go again.

*At the house*

I opened the door and yelled "Kris" but she didn't come towards me or I didn't here a "yes." I assumed she left to her friends house but when I went upstairs to her room she was video chatting with Princeton on Skype. I mean like wth dude. I say dude alot to myself lol. But still I don't like how she's getting really attached to him she's going to get hurt like emotionally. 

Roc: *clears throat*

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