Hell On Earth (Chapter 19)

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???: Long time no see

Krissy: Can you get me the f*ck out of this place

???: No until we get something straight

Krissy: What?

???: I know you and Roc have something, so I want you to stay away from him.

Krissy: What is this ban Krissy August from Chresanto August Day?

???: You heard me.

Krissy: That's already done and if u and Roc don't break in the next 3 days we'll all die so make sure that happens personally told by Shea

???: That b*tch. Do she know who I am...I am Kiya future August

Krissy: *mumbles* Good luck with that.

Kiya: Shut up I'm gonna let you loose and don't ever ever ever in your life go near him. Understood?

Krissy: Actually no, but let me go A$AP

Kiya; *Unties her* Remember what I said

Krissy: *walking off* Yea yea yea whatever *at Princeton's House* And then Kiya showed up out of nowhere.

Princeton: Really?! I'm glad you're ok you were gone for a good 5 hours.

Krissy: Yea. I'm going to go tell Roc about everything

Princeton: Ok and did you just call him Roc?

Krissy: Yup I did can I take your car?

Princeton: *throws her the keys* Don’t get into anymore trouble

Krissy: okk

*At Roc's House*

Roc: Hi

Krissy: Hey I have to tell you something. *sits on the couch and explains everything*


    Roc's POV

I know I sound like a player about now, but I really miss her. She completes my heart. IDK man I’m flip flopping. I really wanted to kiss her then and I didn’t really understand what she was saying because I was daydreaming until she said something about people dying and then she said she had to stay away from me. Now the both of them has crossed the f*cking line.

Roc: Wait. You have to stay away from me?

Krissy: Yups or everyone would die and you have to become Shea’s boyfriend in the next 3 days.

Roc: T’f? She has to be out her f*cking mind. 

Krissy: But you have to or everyone that you care about will die.

Roc: *whispers* Damn I can’t let you die

Krissy: What?

Roc: Nothing

Krissy: Chresanto you have to do it 

Roc: Aight 

Roc’s POV 

I couldn’t take it anymore. I put my lips against hers and she pulled back a little and started to give in man it felt great to kiss her, but it felt wrong too. And then she stood up and ran to the bathroom. I got up to check on her.

Roc: Kris, are you ok?

Krissy: Just peachy considering I just threw up in the toilet.

Roc: Do you need to go to the doctor?

Krissy: Sure.

Roc: I’ll be in the car

Krissy: Ok I just have to grab my purse

*At the Doctor*

Krissy’s POV

Chres rushed me to the hospital. Don’t know why but he did. Chresanto and I just waited on the results because I had to get tested. The doctor came in and Chresanto held my hand like he knew what was wrong with me and got ready for the results. I was so confused; I stopped my thoughts and started listening to the doctor.

Doctor: Krissy August?

Krissy: Yes

Doctor: Your results are in

Krissy: And?

Doctor: It seems that you are pregnant.

Krissy: What? But I haven’t had sex with anyone..........Umm oh never mind. Thank You.

Doctor: No problem you are free to leave the hospital

Roc’s POV

Somehow I knew. I guess when I realized I didn’t have a condom on smh.  I mean it isn’t bad, but what Kris told me before all this doctor business about people I love being killed we have to leave town A$AP. I have to tell all my bros and I have to get Krissy ready.

Krissy: Chres?

Roc: Huh?

Krissy: I’m scared

Roc: Of what?

Krissy: What’s going to happen

Roc: Don’t stress I have a plan.

Krissy: It better be a good one

Roc: I think it is.

Ray’s POV

Prince told me everything. Tbh I was pissed, but we had to leave. I packed all my things and my mom didn’t know what was happening so I gave her some of the details, and she said it was ok as long as I come back to visit her. That was alright with me we all had to meet up at Prodigy house. Man this is some f*cked up sh*t that’s going on.

Krissy’s POV

Princeton came and got his car from me and Chresanto’s house, and went to Prod’s place. Chres and I were packing up everything until we heard someone come in and you wouldn’t believe who it was.......Shea....and then Kiya. I must be in hell if these b*tches was here at this very moment. Kiya had a gun and Shea had a gun. Am I gonna die today? Because neither of them was gonna kill Chres. Shiid why did this have to be me Lord.

Shea: I thought you were going to stick with the plan?

Krissy: It hasn’t even been 5 hours yet.

Shea: But it looks like you two are going somewhere. I told you I watch your every move

Krissy: Chresanto why did you have to go out with crazy b*tches?

Roc: Shiid I didn’t know

Kiya: Stop cracking jokes

Roc: Aye Kiya just to let you know this relationship thing isn’t going to work out.

Kiya: You know I have the gun right?

Roc: Yea *reaches behind the couch* Me 2

Roc’s POV

I think I scared them both. I hope they didn’t think they were going to come in my house and run sh*t. These h*es are f*cked up in the head. I wasn’t thinking straight and then I heard 2 gun shots. I didn’t know where they came from I just heard the ambulance and Ray telling them to get Krissy and Shea to the hospital. If this h*e than killed my baby it’s gonna be hell on Earth.

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