To End A Case (draft)

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okay , so im cutting the ending into three different Chapters namely : "To End a Case" , "the Final act" and lastly, "Curtain's Call". rather than what i promised with just posting a final chapter with condensed everything besides that was over two years ago. anyway, i hope it will be satisfactory.

Also as a friendly reminder I'm not going to use the fancy PoV announcement anymore but I'll still use multiple and switching PoV in the story

To End a Case

I walked aimlessly through there busy crowd. I don't know what I'm looking for, is it something? Someone?

I entered a coffee shop and ordered a small cup. I sat down and drank in an attempt to calm my nerves. I looked around the shop and at the window.

What is it?

I finished my drink and stepped outside. I ran my fingers through my hair as I ransacked my Brain.
Why am I here? Did Irene bring me here?

No! that's not it!

I stopped in front of the pedestrian lane along with others who are going to cross. I didn't even realized i had began walking away from the coffee shop. I twirled the ends of my hair.

What is this feeling? It is as if I'm anticipating something. I hate it!
It's not the place, nor the looming thunder clouds overhead.

I ran my fingers through my hair again then heaved a big sigh.

This anxiety, this unnerving feeling, where is it taking me?

I bit the nail on my thumb as I looked at the stop light. I let other people to take a few steps ahead before walking forward as the stop sign changed color.

Wait, that's!

I caught it at the corner of my eye, that familiar face that I hate.

I looked at her properly. Looking past the wig and contact lenses, I can tell it's her. It was definitely her standing in front of the window on the second floor of that building in front.


I caught her eye. She is looked straight at me. Like a tiger staring at its prey, her gaze sent chills down my spine. She talks to someone someone through her phone judging from her gestures. As i looked away from her, I could see someone standing up from inside the shop below her floor and head my way.

They are on to me.

The rain started to pour. I smiled at the sudden change of weather. People opened their umbrella as I move forward and blended into the sea of umbrellas. I opened my own and started walking the other way.
The odds are still on my side but I'm not going to tempt fate. The sudden umbrellas may lose her focus to me and can't guide the man but that doesn't mean he can't find me with luck.

I kept on walking, running would only make me seem suspicious. I can't even bring myself to look back. I just kept going and rode a taxi back to L's hotel room. I did make the taxi take four right turn to make sure I wasn't followed.

I made it in front of L's hotel room door in record time. I was going to enter but I decided not to. I took out the receipt of the drinki ordered earlier. I have to inform him but I don't want to endanger him.

"The guild was here. They spotted me." I wrote at the back and slipped it under the door.

I knocked on the door and left as soon as I heard footstep.

I booked a separate room in this hotel and set up my laptop.

I need a good hide out.


After a few moments of finding a few possible hiding area, I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face

"Azrial, your shaking." Irene commented.

"I'm fine, I'm okay. It's just that I can't pinpoint what I'm feeling." I replied.

I stared at my hands slightly shivering.

Is it fear?


I've been waiting for this, to make them pay. Now, I can trap them.

I ran my fingers through my hair and heaved a big sigh. I heard a 'ping' on my laptop making me contemplate whether of not should I quickly go and check it.

I held on to the edges of the sink as I look down in attempt to stop my shaking.

I glaced at the corner of the room, looking at my shinigami who hasn't said a word since the whole ordeal.

She's probably enjoying it, with all these excitement.

"Excitement, huh?" I mumbled to my self.

That may be it, the thrill of the hunt.

"What do you mean?" Irene's voice echoed on my head.

Nothing, I answered her mentally.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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