for the mean time

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Azrial’s POV

After finding out what Irene found out, I contacted L. after all what is the use of running there if they probably have that place heavily guarded or they could have left. I asked L if he can find out any recent abnormal activities here in Los Angeles, specifically round that area. as much as I want to solve this case on my own, well except Irene. I can’t since my contact is not as useful in this case. I sighed, I can’t believe I actually need help from someone I barely know.

I heard the phone that L gave me ring. I quickly picked it up and heard L’s voice.


“yes, what did you find out Ryuzaki?”

“apparently, ever since Beyond committed his murders around the area tenants had been avoiding that place like it has a plague. A lot of establishment closed in that area. I believe that the criminal guild is the one who bought that place. Each place that is bought is under different name but after I did a further investigation, I found out that these individual accounts branched out from a single huge account.”

“I see, can you get FBI agents to snoop around the area. obviously they wouldn’t want to own that area unless there is something with it. what is happening in the Kira case? After all I can’t get lots of thing off your computer now a days. Being far from that area weakens my connection with the case.”

“I placed bugs and spy camera in all the suspect Ray Penbar’s subjects. My main suspect Light Yagami. Apparently he’s a genius and all the characteristic of Kira that we have determined so far fits him.”

I chuckled to myself. “finally, the case is pointing to the right direction.” I told him.

“So I was right Light is Kira.”

“Yes, and pretty sure he will come in innocent, though too innocent, suspiciously innocent. You are now getting closer after all. Light will do everything in his power to appear innocent but as I said earlier it will be too much. Now, if I were you, why don’t you find a way to keep him close? It will be an attack and a form of defense at the same time. You get to keep an eye on him personally and he can’t kill you because if he did then it is like he is already declaring that he is Kira after all the taskforce is on your back right. Though the consequence of that move will mean that your life will now be dangling on a thread. You need to find a way to move unseen by him which will be hard since he can keep an eye on your movements also. Both of you will be trapped in a stale mate. That is if you don’t have a chess piece that can move without his knowledge.”

“It is a good idea. I will try it. After it is more fun to play a game if the stakes are getting higher and after all I won’t get trapped in a stale mate as you predicted.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are my hidden chess piece. All he will know about you is that you are helping me to solve this case of the criminal guild and not minding the Kira case. When in the dark you are helping me to corner him as well. Also, I can ask his help in working in this case and I am sure he will agree, because if he really is Kira he wouldn't waste the chance to destroy the world’s most formidable criminal group that rivals even the Mafia.”

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend. When I told you that Kira limits the Criminal guild’s movement, I never thought that we can have Kira actually play on our side in taking that down. Brilliant, as expected from the world’s greatest detective.”

“also, I advise you to return here in Japan. They might notice something is up when they see you. It is better if we lay low on that case besides you won’t be able to assist me in the Kira case when you are all the way there. I’ll have someone snoop the area.”

“Fine, I’ll return there as soon as I can get a flight there.”

After that he suddenly hung up, probably someone must have arrived and he didn’t want anyone to find out anything.

I started to set up my computers so I can start hacking into the computers around that area. i can feel the excitement and the rush now. I need to formulate a newplan, this time against the ones who wronged me. I may quite insane and psychotic but I need a push so I will have the courage to do this things. I guess I need a safety net to be able to walk on a tightrope. Now that I have one, I can go all out against the criminal guild.

“Azrial, I’m really worried about you. Your sinking again.” Irene said.


“do you remember the curse of the deathnote. Pain and suffering that the user will  feel. I think this is only happening as a part of the retribution of you using the deathnote. It’s making you pursue something you shouldn’t”

“if that’s the case then I must continue. I shouldn’t live but I still do. so if there is something else that I can do. I will, you can say I placing this punishment onto myself so even if this will be the cause of my death then I’d rather do it than mope around and regret everything I did. I made this criminal guild formidable because they forced me to. They forced us to. Now we are able to break free from their chains. I need to destroy this monstrosity that we made. i already sunk towards  the deepest pit of the abyss so maybe, I believe this is my spider’s thread. My way out.” I stood up and walked towards the window. I gazed at the busy street below. 

“Azrial…..” Irene spoke in a soft voice

I know, at the back of my mind. I am hoping that at the end of this spider thread is a chance to see him again. The boy in my blurry childhood memories.The one whom I would think about when I was trapped in the shinigami realm.I want to tell him I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I left him alone. I’m sorry I took the cowards way out that night. I placed all the burden on to him. He probably is blaming himself, that it was his fault he let go. he should never blame himself. I was the one who made the choice not him.


Ominiscent POV

As Azrial is typing away, Irene was patiently on stand by. Kury had arrived a few moment ago and she told Kury that she should give an extra eye out on Azrial. Irene know she will sink once again, just like Light had. From a good motive then twisting it.she doesn’t want her to be in trouble once again. She can’t always fake her death to escape.


okay i'll just post this so that this story won't remain stagnant

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