The Meet

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The bell rang for classes to start I sighed miserably as the social group I was with talked about going to karaoke. This involved guys. Any normal girl would be all excited not me. I am Shizuka Aimi, and I have two goals for my first year, and following years here in high school 1. Not to get hurt for the fact I'm a klutz. 2. never have a boyfriend, all guys want is to get into your pants.

"Shizu hey Shizu?" I jumped, and smiled

"Ya sorry I spaced out." they started laughing

"Hey Lets go ok Shizuka are you ok with Karaoke?" I smiled again

"Yep sounds fun."

they started giggling, and talking about which guys to invite. I sighed, and looked at my note book

"Class Is Starting!" called the teacher everyone ran back to their seats, and the teacher started the lesson.

I couldn't help, but listen in to the conversation next to me

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" the two boy leaned in

"We where suppose to get a new student but he got in a fight, and get suspended."

"Dude no way."

"Saito-San, Mori-San please take your conversation down to the principle's office." the two jumped got to their feet, and left

"Lets just ditch." whispered one the teacher sighed.

School soon came to an end I went home to change cloths, I approached my apartment, and headed up to the third floor, and at the end of the hall. I pulled out my keys, and unlocked the door, inside it was dark I looked to a white board it had Mom Dad Arata, and Aimi. Next to Dad was "Business Trip." Arata had "Dinner With Collage Group." and Mom had "Won't be home till midnight." she had drawn a swirly Arrow down to the part with my name where 300 yen was pinned by a magnet next to it was "Use This for food." I pulled the Money off only to put it back on Mom's I had a job I didn't need it. I grabbed the pen and wrote down "Going out." I headed for my room inside was a bunk bed that split the room in half a curtain hung on one side of the top bunk, and the opesit side of the bottom had one as well. I put my bag on the lower bunk, and pulled off my tie placed it on a wall hook then started taking off my shirt the family dog Momo a Pitbull Akita mix came in I patted his head but went to check on my sugar glider

"Hi Kaede how are you." I said opening the cage door "Sorry I can't take you to Karaoke." I said patting its tiny head.

Kaede made a cute little sound I smiled, and put him back in his cage and got dressed.

I headed out after feeding all the pets in the house Kaede Momo, and the three goldfish that I was still amazed that they are still alive. I walked to the meet up point my group was waiting

"Shizu you look great." I smiled, and caught up to them.

They pulled out their phones, and started texting people, I didn't have a phone I was going to buy one on my own I just didn't have the money yet. we got to the station, and waited for our train

"Hey Shizu did you hear about the new Student?" I nodded

"Ya scary huh." I said pulling a smile.

I hated rumors, but I wanted to fit in. the girls started laughing

"Say Shizu." I looked up


she turned

"Say when we get there you can stay, but once we start hitting on the guys why don't you leave you know since you Plain." I tensed, and pulled another fake smile.

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