It Hurt

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Several weeks past welcoming second term, Moto was still Moto and I found not even going to Karaoke meant she wasn't mad. Moto did get angry when Daisuke left with me, which he still follows me around. With the New Term meant new seats so when I entered the class room I had to draw a piece of paper the board had the spots numbered I would move my desk to its new spot, I pulled out 13 it was by the window so I walked over to my desk that was pushed to the back of the class like all the others. it was heavy but I had put all the heavier stuff in my bag the day before, so it wasn't that bad but being a girl the chair hit a spot that was really uncomfortable and hurt. I panicked when the weight of the desk lifted I looked a girl was there "Need Help?" I shook my head she smiled she was tall and had light brown hair and had a huge chest I guessed she was a C-cup a guess. she took my chair and followed me "I'm Kurosawa Chiyoko." she called I nodded as she set my chair down as I slid my desk into place "Shizuka Aimi." I mumbled Chiyoko smiled "What a cute name." she said I blushed and turned away "Anyway I'm sitting in front of you I hope we can get along." I nodded and watched her run off to say hi to friends from another class. I tensed as Daisuke came in he got a hair trim over the break his hair was shorter aside from his fringe that was the same, he pulled a card out and I pulled out a book "Hey Shizuka!" I turned to look at him "Can you carry my chair?" I glared and went back to my book ignoring him "Dude Shizuka only does stuff for Moto." speak of the Devil Moto just walked in she laughed as she drew her card then looked to me "Shizu help me move my desk." she said I sighed and closed my book and got to my feet to help. I took Moto's desk and she carried her chair "I'm right here." she pointed to he spot next to Chiyoko I set down her desk twisting my arm wrong It hurt and I flinched making a very slight "Ow" "Hey Shizuka you ok?" I didn't answer "Let me see!" yelled Chiyoko I pulled my arm behind my back "I'm Fine!" I yelled Moto smiled "She's fine." Daisuke glared but turned back to moving his desk. I sat down and glanced over he was trading cards with a friend then picked up his desk and it slid right behind me, I Ignored him till he started tapping my shoulder "What?" I hissed he smiled "Nice that you actually looked." I glared and turned back to the front of the class the teacher just came in.

Classes let out for lunch around noon I didn't eat with Moto she excluded me from that as well unless she wanted something that mostly happened. I sat in the courtyard and looked at my wrist it was black and blue bruised I probably sprained it, I reached down to get my food when someone gently grabbed my arm "I knew it" I looked it was Daisuke he let go and dug in his pocket "I stopped by the nurses office." he said pulling out sports wrap he took my arm again and gently started wrapping it "My sister sprains her Ankles a lot so I've gotten good at this." he said smiling as he wrapped my wrist. Daisuke finished and just held my hand in his "You know Shizuka I wanted to ask but can we exchange phone numbers?" he smiled Dammit he was charming. I shook my head "I don't have a cellphone." I said he nodded "Then." he let go and pulled out a piece of paper "Then you do have a land line?" I nodded he wrote something down "Ever need anything call me ok." I nodded Daisuke smiled "you should Ice your wrist when you get home ok." I nodded Daisuke pulled out his Mellon bread and started eating I pulled out my lunch box "Your food looks good." he said I blushed "thanks I made it." Daisuke coughed "You can cook?" I nodded Daisuke gave me the look that one would give to a amazing person "do you want me to make you one?" he blushed and glanced down at the ground "Not if its to hard." he mumbled I started laughing Daisuke was still blushing but he smiled I think he was getting to me. Lunch finished and we headed back to class, but during class Daisuke was playing with my hair the Teacher gave up on telling him to stop I just ignored it I was already use to someone playing with my hair. Moto glared at me till a break came with the change of class it was Science next and we where in the Lab today, I saw Moto walk toward me as I grabbed my text book she smiled "Hey will you walk with me?" I tensed but nodded. Following Moto I watched her brown hair wave as she walked she had spilt ends from curling her hair, she stopped and turned "Your braid is cute but just not for your face." She grabbed the braid and pulled out the tie ripping out some of my hair "Watch it Shizuka remember your not pretty ugly people don't belong with the beautiful people." She turned and left I stud frozen Moto always called me plain not Ugly this was the first time. So I found myself hiding in the class room everyone else was in the lab my face felt gross from crying my hair was now a tangled mess I didn't want to move. The door slid open I believed it was the teacher but when I looked up preparing for a shouting teacher, I saw Daisuke I found myself crying again as he just stared at me "Moto she, why did she?" I managed to say before I hid my face again. I felt arms wrap around me as Daisuke hugged me his warmth made the tears stop I sat up hugging him back "Why did she change? Why did she?" Daisuke shrugged I heard him breath as he said "Some people try so hard to fit in that they change" he said "And sometimes in order to make the change permanent they have to hurt others." I nodded letting go of Daisuke he smiled "I think the nurse had a brush or do you have one in your bag?" I dug in my gym bag and pulled out a small cheep brush. Daisuke moved my chair and started brushing through the knots talking making me laugh at stupid jokes, when Daisuke finished he just sat down next to me. I wondered if this was the first time he skipped class but I guesses it probably wasn't, but maybe he wanted to skip without me in class Moto would try to bother him. I looked out the window "Am I Ugly?" I mumbled he smiled his blonde hair shimmered in the light from the window "No way your far prettier then Moto you just need to open up." I found myself smiling again "Thank You Daisuke." He gave me the largest smile "Call Me Dai if I can Call you Ai." I giggled and nodded "Ok Dai." I said. Daisuke and I sat in the class room honestly if I had know how much this would have hurt I wouldn't have made the decision I made that night.

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