Season change

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It had been over three weeks since Mao, and I started talking again the air was cold with the fall season it didn't seem to bother Daisuke he found a new way at getting teachers upset. Dai started rolling his pant, and why I have no idea. During class Daisuke gave out why he was sick.

"I was invited to Karakokie and I didn't want to go." He said

I laughed he blushed, and hugged me.

"Your so mean Ai!"

Everyone laughed. When Mizushima got kicked out she told all her friends Daisuke, and I where Dateing. No one reacted as she liked insted of spreading rumors everyone supported it.
It was proved at lunch when we ate out in the courtyard under a tree Chi was eating with her friends so it was just me and Daisuke. He was fast asleep using my lap as a pillow I was reading as he slept. I was tempted to stroke his head, but I got embarrassed, and didn't.
Daisuke looked so peaceful I heard laughing, so I turned. Mizushima, and her monkeys where laughing. I felt my face heat up as I looked away. Why couldn't she leave us alone.
I was startled when a hand touched my cheek I looked Daisuke was looked at me.

"Ignore them ok Ai."

I nodded Daisuke sat up pulling me into his arms. I let myself go limp in Daisuke's embrace his chin was on my head. I felt it set like he was upset. I moved myself to looked at him, but instead of a death glare he had his goofy smile. I let myself give a small smile.
My work schedule got change in the fact it didn't exist any more. My Boss lost the store to a larger cooperation, and they fired everyone. Daisuke was kind about it, and didn't care he even was helping me find a new job. Till I did find a job Daisuke said he'd pay for dates.

We held hands as Daisuke walked me home he was telling funny stories, but something else was on my mind. We where half way through the school year, in a couple of months we would be 2nd years. I glanced at Daisuke would we still be Dateing even when we graduate?

I stopped it took Daisuke a moment to notice he turned looking at me.

"Ai what's wrong?" He asked

I shrugged I walked to him letting my forehead rest gently on his chest.

"We'll be second years soon, and what will happen if we get put in different classes?"

I felt Daisuke's arms wrap around me. He started rocking us side to side.

"Nothing Ai I'll see you every lunch and walk you home every day." He started laughing. "Maybe I'll be like my friend Sota and when ever your class has gym I'd watch for your butt. OWW WAS A JOKE!"
I had started pinching him.

I pulled away, and smiled at him,

"Ok you have to promise."

He smiled at me,


I was though excited for tomorrow it was November 16 I had misses a week, but it was here my birthday and I had the morning-afternoon with Daisuke, and the evening with my family. A bonus is that there is no school tomorrow.

He next day came I was wearing a new dress and leggings I pinned back one side of my hair. Kind of like how Daisuke does.
The door bell rang, and Mom called

"Aimi your prince is here!" She yelled

I came running out hugging my Mom, and Dad then out the door with Daisuke.

"Take care of her Dai!" Dad called as we left.

Daisuke said he had the day planed I just had to go along with it. I was surprised when he handed me a park ticket. He smiled.

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