08: Such A Tease

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"Why are you here again?" Sehun asked, annoyance written on his face as Yuri walks in freely into his room.

"To visit you and your sick ass." Yuri spoke as Sehun rolled his eyes.

"Get out," Sehun spoke coldly as his hand pointed to the door.

"I'll tell your mom that you chased me out and acted like a dick towards me." Yuri smiled innocently as Sehun let out a heavy groan.

"When you think that you can skip school with just an injured hand..." Yuri chirped purposely to annoy the hell out of Sehun.

Yuri took out a stack of worksheets from her bag and slammed it onto Sehun's work desk.
She frowned at the sight of the table with only a lamp.

"Where's the other worksheets?" Yuri asked Sehun who is lying outside on the balcony.

"I burned it."

"What?!" Yuri shrieked, she raised her hands over her head and stomped towards Sehun.

"You did not." Yuri spoke as her eyes shoots lasers at Sehun.

Sehun looked up and smirked, "What if I said I did?"

"I'll kill you."

" Try me." Sehun stood up and smirked.

He towered over Yuri purposely to teased her which is a bad choice.

Yuri immediately kicked Sehun's shin with her pointed flats causing Sehun to yell out in pain.

" Ow! I was joking!" Sehun exclaimed as he hissed in pain, glaring at the smiling girl.

"Hehe. I know," Yuri grinned playfully, "And you still kicked me?"

"Never miss a chance." Yuri winked as she left a bottle of strawberry milk on Sehun's table before she happily skipped out of Sehun's room.

Sehun sighed as he looked at the drink that Yuri bought for him which has a note sticked on it.

I figured your bitter attitude needs something sweet. So...strawberry milk!
- your girl ;)

My girl? Sehun thought and bit his lip to prevent himself from smiling.

What a joker.


"Ugh, that guy didn't come again?" Luhan asked as he ruffled his hair.

Yuri shook her head as Luhan sighed heavily.

"We can't possibly delay the dance practice again. Other groups have already done the dance halfway and we've only chosen the song."

"Can't blame him though...isn't Sehun injured?" Yoona asked.

Yeah, injured enough to quarrel with me and burn worksheets. Yuri thought in a sarcastic way.

"Me and Sehun have already choreographed the dance like a week ago." Luhan spoke.

"Then can't we just learn the dance now?" Yoona asked.

"But it takes two to tango girl." Luhan winked playfully and glanced at Yoona as the girl blushed profusely.

"Then you and Yoona learn the choreography." Yuri smiled towards Yoona.

"But what about you?" Luhan asked worriedly.

"It's alright, I'll learn the dance with Sehun later on..."

"But he's injured and couldn't move his arm. How can you two dance when the deadline is in two weeks?" Luhan spoke.

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