04: Crush?

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Yuri kept thinking about the 'Lu Han' guy since she first met him, she hated herself for acting so awkwardly towards him and also the awkward handshake.

She groaned inwardly as she tried to focus on her physics homework, but the picture of luhan kept popping inside her mind.

" Focus...focus..." Yuri talked to herself as she tried to calm herself down, " What are you doing?"
Yoona suddenly popped out of nowhere, almost causing Yuri to screamed out aloud.

" Thinking about your love?" Yoona teased as Yuri looked away, " No..."

Yoona widened her eyes as she gasped, " No way, Kwon Yuri has a lover?! Who is it? Is it that Oh Sehun?" Yoona asked eagerly as her eyes sparkled in curiosity.

No way.

Yoona frowned as Yuri suddenly packed her things, " What? No way, I-I've to go."

" So fast?" Yoona asked as Yuri faked a smile before walking off.

She felt bad, but she can't let Yoona know about her secrets.

Yuri sighed as she walked through the hallway, not minding about her surroundings.


Yuri widened her eyes as she accidentally bumped into a hard wall, she trip back wards.

Yuri braced herself ready to fall and shut her eyes tightly, anticipating for her to hit onto cold hard floor.

But she felt nothing.

Yuri opened her eyes as she widened her eyes, her heart starts to beat fast as she saw the guy who saved her from falling.

His pink kissable lips is just a centimeter close to kissing her, Yuri gulped as she saw him suddenly moving closer.

Oh Sehun!? Yuri screamed in her mind.

" S-Sorry, I-" Yuri spoke nervously, still stunned from the shock before Sehun starts pulled her into the janitor's closet.

Yuri widened her eyes as she felt her body pressed against Sehun's in the small closet.

She felt his breath trickling against her neck in the dark closet as she gasped, "S-Sehun?" she whispered reverently, Sehun didn't reply instead.

What is happening?

" Where's Mr Oh?!" A monotone voice asked aloud, Yuri wondered curiously and widened her eyes when Sehun's grip on her waist tightened.

" Look around the school and find him!" Another voice called out before the people disappeared.

They stayed in that position for awhile before Sehun opened the janitor door and pulled away.

Yuri's face was beet red as she lowered her head.
Sehun sighed loudly before apologizing softly, " Sorry."

Yuri's eyes snapped open as she heard what just came out from his mouth.

" What?"

" I said sorry," Sehun replied annoyed as Yuri smiled mischievously as she spoke, " Not forgiven."

Sehun looked at Yuri, annoyed before he pulled his tie down and unbutton the first two buttons of his suit.

Which makes him look attractive.
He was dressed in a formal suit which makes Yuri curious about him.

" But why were people chasing you?"

Sehun looked at her coldly.
" That's my business, not yours." He spoke harshly before walking away.

Yuri widened her eyes at his sudden attitude towards her.

Yuri glared at his back before stomping off away. Jerk.


Yuri dragged her lazy feet into the library as she looked around to find a particular person she would dread seeing the most.

She frowned, he would usually stand out the most with his blonde hair. But he's nowhere to be found.

" Where is that jerk? Don't tell me he didn't come?" Yuri mumbled as she then walked around the library, looking around for him.

She walked around the tables, suddenly spotting a black haired guy at the corner of the library sleeping.

That can't be Sehun...

As Yuri walked closer, she widened her eyes. It was indeed Sehun, he dyed his hair to black?

It was weird for Yuri to adapt, but she's won't lie.
Black hair makes him look more handsome and hot.

Sehun was sleeping on his arms peacefully as Yuri sat beside him.

She stared at his face as she closely examine his flawless features.

He looks pretty...
" wow, he makes my self-esteem drop." Yuri mutter sarcastically to herself.

" It's not like you have any self esteem about your looks." Someone beside her muttered.

Yuri widened her eyes, " Wait, you weren't sleeping at all?"

Sehun opened his eyes slightly, " I was, but your presence wakes me up."

Yuri slammed the books beside him, angry and annoyed.
" Shut up and get started asshole."


a/n; life is busier & busier for me as time goes by. Since I'm the senior in high school, and my exams is like 3 weeks away. 5 major exams in a year. Are you kidding me. And now my writing skills drop like shit.
Even my grammar is getting from bad to worse. 😀🔫
But Sorry for the long hiatus, I'll try to update next week if I had the time.
and well guess what.
Exo and girls generation had a comeback this week 😀🔫again.

But do leave a comment & a vote! ☺️

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