01: Beautiful Jerk

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Yuri groaned inwardly as she looked at her grades.




And then it came a F.

She widened her eyes, " What?!" Yuri shrieked as Yoona looked at her with curiousity.

" What's wrong?"

" That..." Yuri pointed to the letter in red in her report book. Yoona leaned over as she glanced at the grade she is pointing to, as soon as she read it, she laughed as Yuri glared at her.

" You're my best friend right?" Yuri asked in a sarcastic tone as Yoona smirked.

" Of course! This is what best friends do right? Babe?" Yoona wriggled her eyebrows as Yuri watched her with disgust in her face.

" You're suppose to be comforting me right now!"

" Serve you right for not wanting to participate and contribute to the school!" Yoona retorted as Yuri frowned.

" What? It's literally wasting my time!"

" And so what? You had all the time in the world and you could help in organizing parties, even if it was for an hour, you won't."

" You know me too well." Yuri faked a impressed face as Yoona rolled her eyes.

" Just go ask Ms Chae what you can at least do to improve this grade." Yoona rolled her eyes as Yuri smiled in victory.

" Thank you best friend! I knew I could rely on you for this!"

" Yeah yeah." Yoona rolled her eyes as she ushered Yuri away.


" The only way you could at least a passing grade is..." Ms Chae pondered as she ran her finger across the book filled with the only things she could do before getting her diploma.

" Well, since the juniors haven't had their exams yet. Right! There's one suitable for you!"

" You could tutor your juniors, but...there's this special guy I would like you to tutor. You would have heard of him before." Ms Chae smiled

" Who?"

" The infamous Oh Sehun."

Yuri cocked her eyebrow, she don't know who Sehun is.

" Oh? Never heard of him." Yuri replied as Ms Chae gasped.

" How would you not know him? He's kind of famous for being hmm...mysterious and cold. Which is why your tutoring is going to be hard." Ms Chae responded as Yuri raised her eyebrows.

" He's my junior, it's gonna be easy." Yuri spoke as Ms Chae continued, " He's the same age as you. He retained because...That's not my story to tell. Look, I'll let you meet him after school, I'll call you guys out okay?" Ms Chae spoke as she looked at her watch before heading out of her office.

Yuri sighed as she wonder who Sehun is and why Ms Chae is unwilling to tell her why that Sehun retained.


" Yah, what did Ms Chae say?" Yoona asked when Yuri walked into the class.

" I'm gonna tutor someone." Yuri spoke as she looked at the movie their teacher played on the visualizer, ' Maze Runner'.

" Who?"

" A junior.." Yuri muttered as she continued watching the show.

" What? Yah, who is it?" Yoona continued questioning.

" Oh S-"

The movie speaker was suddenly interrupted when a familiar voice spoke out.

" Can Kwon Yuri and Oh Sehun report to the office? Thank you."

The whole class widened their eyes at Yuri as they gasped loudly.

" What?"

" Oh Sehun?!"

" Sehun and Yuri?"

" What's going on between them?"

Yuri groaned as she packed her things, before disappearing from the class.

As she walked into the office Ms Chae was in, she come face to face to a tall blonde hair guy.

He looked at Yuri with a stoic expression. Yuri held her breath at his appearance, he was gorgeous.

Tall, lean looking figure with a blonde hair covering his eyes. He was mysteriously beautiful.

" Yuri, this is Sehun. Sehun, your tutor Yuri."

" Uhm hello?" I awkwardly spoke as I held my hand out. He looked at it for a second before turning his head to face Ms Chae.

Well, I'll be tutoring a jerk.

" So Sehun, you'll be having your exam in around two months time. And during this period, I hope you could catch up from what you missed for the first half of the year with Yuri's help. Your end of year grade will determine whether Yuri will get her diploma or not." Ms Chae spoke as I heard a soft chuckle from him.

" And if I fail?" He spoke mockingly as I widened my eyes.

" She won't be able to get her diploma, which means her future lies in your hands." Ms Chae respond as I saw the corner of her lips moving up.

" How fun." He spoke softly, but audible for me to interpret what he was saying.

No way! I must definitely get him to pass! Or else my future is ruined! How can I even face my parents after that?

" I hope you guys can interact more, I never see both of you interacting with your opposite sex in school before." Ms Chae smiled as I smiled nervously.

How does she even know? Oh god.

The only one I talk to is either Yoona or my brother, Jongin. I rarely speak to my parents.

" I hope for the best for both of you." Ms Chae then spoke as I stood up and bowed.

" Thank you." I spoke before heading out of her office, with Sehun trailing behind me.

Urgh, I can't believe I'm teaching him.

I turned behind to talk to him but just to find him walking away.

" Yah! Don't walk away from me!" I hollered as I ran towards him.

He stopped in the hallway as he turned to look at me with his fringe covering his eyes.

By the time I reach him, I was already panting like crazy.

We're at least around 100m away and when he walks just for a few seconds, he's 1km away from me.

What is him? Freak?!

" Yah, why did you walk so fast?" I panted for air before recomposing myself when he didn't reply.

" We...we should meet up this weekend." I spoke as I heard him snorting sliently.

" Asking me out on a date?" He asked mockingly as I rolled my eyes.

At least he finally talks to me!

" Ew! You?!" I faked a disgusted face as he seems to be dumbfounded for awhile before putting on the cold look again.

" For your studies as the exam's coming. This Sunday 12pm, Northpoint okay?"

" I don't care."

" Yah, you got to come!" I retorted as he let out a annoyed sigh.

" I'll consider." He replies as I frowned at his cockiness.

" You stu-" Before I could even reply, he already disappeared from my sight.

I sighed heavily, he's gonna be on my nerves lately.



ohoho. totally not edited, I've abseiling tmr. /facepalms

haha, leave a upvote or comment okay?

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