Chapter 2

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Ellington/Ratliff's pov

Mom please don't make me do this!" I tell my mom

"You have to Ellington! I thought you loved to dance!" Says my mom

"I do! But do you know how badly I will get bullied?!" I ask

"You have to stop caring what people think Ellington" my mom says as we enter the dance studio.

Truth is, I love to sing, dance, act, and play drums! But I will not tell anyone! It's embarrassing especially for a guy! I mean what will people think! They'll think I'm gay not that it's bad or anything but I'm not gay I'm totally into girls! I guess if you're going into the arts you're really gay like confirmed gay! What am I going to do? I bet if I don't do what I love in high school I will regret it for the rest of my life. I'm such a wussy!

Anyways, I walk into the room of the dance studio and immediately am charmed by this beautiful girl! I don't know if she noticed but I stared at her for three whole minutes what is wrong with me!

"Mr. Ratliff! Mr. Ratliff!" Yells the teacher

"S-sorry I was just dozing off" I say

"Well I'm Ms. Holker and you can fill that empty space right there. Next to Rydel" she says. I stand next to her and she is so pretty! Some guy notices I'm staring at her and glares at me.... It's probably her boyfriend. Dang it!

"So Ellington, we're on our way to nationals so I think it's best for you to know all of our names" says Ms. Holker

"This is Rydel, Riker, Ross, Rocky, and Ryland. They're all siblings" she continues. Thank god! Riker was the one glaring at me!

"And then we have..... Blah blah blah" I wasn't really paying attention because I was to busy looking at Rydel. She noticed and blushed.

*After class*

We were all changing into our other shoes.

"Hi Ellington! We haven't properly met so, I'm Rydel!" She said shaking my hand

"Nice to meet you! I'm Ellington" I say

"So what do you like to do?" She asks, tying her shoes

"Well I like to sing and play the drums" I say

"Cool! I play the piano! My brother Ryland is a DJ, Ross plays the guitar and sings, Rocky plays the guitar and sings too, and Riker, my older brother, plays the bass and sings" she says

"That's so cool! You guys are like a band!" I exclaim

"Kind of. We still need a drummer" she says

"Hey! You can be the drummer!" She exclaims

"Hey little sis! We need to get going!" Riker says

"Oh okay, bye Ellington!" She says waving at me leaving

"Bye!" I say. Well maybe this won't be half bad....

Riker's pov

"Hey Rydel! Why were you talking to the new kid?" I ask worriedly while we walk home

"Because he's the new kid. He needs to seem at home" She says

"Oh..." I say

"Guess what?!" She asks excitedly

"What?" I say smiling

"Ellington can play the drums! We can totally play together!" She says

"You'll play the bass, Rocky and Ross will play the guitar, Ellington will play the drums, and I'll play the piano" She exclaims

"Well maybe you can do more than play the piano...." I say

"What do you mean?" She asks

"I heard you singing a couple of days ago, Rydel" I say

"Oh.... You heard that?" She asks

"Yeah! You're talented Rydel!" I say

"Thanks but I think Ross should take the lead" she says

"Why?" I ask

"Because we all know he has the self-confidence" she says

"Rydel, you're just as talented as him! And you have an amazing voice!" I exclaims

"Oh come on Riker! We don't even know if he's in! And I'm not that good" she says emphasizing 'That'

"Yes you are! And I'm gonna prove it to you!" I exclaim. We walk into the house and we all greet my mom.

"Hey mom can I ask you something? It's urgent!" Says Rydel

"Sure sweetie! Let's go in the kitchen" Mom and Rydel walk in the kitchen

Rydel's pov

"Mom, how do you know if you're in love?" I ask

"Well Rydel, you feel a special connection with the person, like if there's some invisible thread there that can't pull you two apart" she says

"Why honey? Is there a boy?!" She asks excitedly

"Yeah... But there's one problem..."

"What is it?"

"Riker" I say

She sighs "I knew this day would come"

"Your brother was always protective over you" she continues

"Your brother just had to learn that he's not the only boy that's gonna be in your life now" she says

"Okay. Thanks mom"


Hi everyone! Short chapter I know! Sorry for the long wait!

QOTD: Who do you think Rydel's "In love" with?

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