Chapter 6

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Riker's pov

It'll be 3 days till Ratliff's date and Rydel gets worse by the second. I feel super bad about this. How can I do this to Rydel? She barely gets out of bed. Even when I mention Hello Kitty! Right now I'm in her room about to give her some soupAq that she'll probably flush down the toilet. I personally think she's making a big deal out of this. I mean, they were never even dating. Mostly because of me... but still! She's overreacting, right?

"Rydel?" I ask softly as she lays down on her bed, her face facing the pillow. How can she breathe?

"Mmm?" She mumbles.

"Do you want some soup?" I ask her.

"No." She mumbles.

"Rydel, don't you think you're overreacting about all of this?" I ask her. She finally gets her face out of the pillow, sits up, and glares at me.

"I know this is all your fault." She says still glaring.


"You heard me. You always hated Ellington probably because you were jealous of us. You thought we were dating or something so you set him up on a date so you had nothing to worry about and it hurts more because when you came back from the mall you looked the happiest I've ever seen you. Well guess what Riker. Your stupid plan worked. You have nothing to worry about me and Ellington because he has a girlfriend and I will live alone forever!"


"Now leave my room before you make me throw up again." She says sternly. I place the soup on the counter and leave her room, closing the door. I can't believe she hates me this much. She has to get over him.

3 Days Later

Ellington/Ratliff's pov

Today is the day I finally go on that date with Kelly. I know I don't like her that much but I have to find a way to get over Rydel sense I know she doesn't feel the same about me. I mean, Kelly is cute and pretty and all but she is nothing compared to Rydel. But I have to go on this date. Even though it'll be a complete waste of my time. Now that I think about it, Riker is the one who put me into this mess because he wanted me to have a girlfriend so badly and now that I kind of do he's sort of like my friend. Well at least I hope. I wonder why he changed his mood though. I gasp in my mind. I know why Riker's all happy now! Now that Rydel and I can't date because of Kelly, he's happy! I guess he was jealous about me and Rydel's relationship. I'm just glad that Rydel is okay with this, 'cause if she wasn't then that would mean she would like me!

Back at the Lynch's

Rydel is crying her heart out into a pillow.

Back to Ellington/Ratliff

But she would never have a single tear slip out of her eye because of this stupid date. I bet it'll be a one time thing and we'll never see each other again.

Ding Dong

There's my date! I hope she doesn't get her hopes up because where I'm taking her isn't that special.

Rydel's pov

After a long day of crying I decided I should go out. I mean, I can't be sad forever. I should have seen this coming. Ratliff is an amazing guy and know girl wouldn't want to go on a date with him. I grab my dark gray sweater and my cheap version of uggs. I stuff my striped, baggy pajama pants into them and put my sweater on. I put a messy bun on and walk out of the house, taking my keys, and driving chubbs wherever I feel like going. I then go to McDonalds and see something that makes my day 10 times worse.

Ellington/Ratliff's pov

I took Kelly to McDonalds. She wasn't amazed about the date but I guess you could say she was grateful for me ordering a cheeseburger for us at the dollar menu.

"Sooo, how's your cheeseburger?" She asks.

"It's good. What about your's?" I ask awkwardly.

"Same." She says. Then I hear the door open. I don't really pay attention to who it is though. But then I hear something.

"Oh my god! It's Rydel Lynch!" A girl whisper/yells at her friend. Wow, thanks for noticing me girls.

"Isn't she the keyboard player of the band you're in?" Asks Kelly.


"Well let's go say hi!" She grabs my hand and leads me to Rydel.

"Excuse me, are you Rydel Lynch?" She asks Rydel.

"Yep. Oh hey Ratliff." She says finally noticing me. She see's us holding hands and her eyes turn into a darker shade of brown. I wonder why.

"Well I'm Kelly! I'm on a date with the drummer of your band!" She says. I can feel the tension between the 3 of us.

"C-Cool" Rydel says.


"well I have to go now. It was really nice seeing you guys, though." She says with a fake smile.

"But you didn't even order yet." I say.

"I don't feel in the mood for McDonalds anymore." She lies and walks out. I see chubbs slowly driving away.

"I wonder what's wrong with her." Says Kelly.


Rydel's pov

That was the most embarrassing moment of my life! I just ruined my best friends date! I go to 711 and get a slushy. I walk out and get home with a purple tounge because of the slushy. I walk in the room to see a pacing Riker.

"Where were you?!" He asks.

"I was getting a slushy." I say innocently. I didn't see what was the big deal. I leave this house all the time without telling anyone.

"At this time?!" He yells pointing to the clock. I look at the clock to see it's 1 in the morning. Ohhhh

"I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to the time!" I say.

He sighs. "Just go to bed."

"Yes father." I say walking up the stairs. I can hear him groan and I smile to myself.


Hi everyone! How are you doing?! I hope you liked the chapter. Tell me in the comments what you want to see in this story.

QOTD: Kellington or Rydellington?

That's it for now! I love you all! Make sure to vote and comment! I'll see you guys later! Bye!

-Lauren Alemere

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