Part 10

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 600 veiws!!!!!!!!!!!! My other story Viners Next Door has 1.4k veiws but only has 48 votes and this one has 60!!!!!!!!!! I love you all so much!

*Next Morning*

Savanah's POV:

As my eyes batted open i yawned. I looked around to find myself asleep on the floor. Aaron was also asleep on the floor, i guess we fell asleep. After we kissed we ended up talking for hours until we turned on Netflix and watched Expelled, his pick. 

"Goog morning" I whispered as i saw Aaron's eyes flicker open. "Good Morning" He smiled back. "What time is it?" He asked stretching a bit. "Like 11:30" I shrugged. "Let's go to the beach" He smiled pulling onto my toes. "Is Mr Carpenter asking me on a date" I jokingly gasped. "Shut up and get Ready" He blushed leaving my room. I put on some light wash shorts and a white flowy tank top with my black and purple tribal bikini underneath. I put on light make up and threw my hair in a pony tail. Just as i laced up my black Van's Aaron knocked on the door. I opened it and he was holding two skate boards. "How in hell did you steel my skate board!" I laughed. "I took it while you weren't looking now come on" He smiled and grabbed my hand. He pulled me down the hall and into the elevator.

 Once we got to the street we threw our boards. We jumped on them and i followed him down to the beach. "Zaum it's hot out here!" I yelled threw the heat. "That's LA baby" He laughed. "I could live out here" I smiled breathing in the air."Me and the guys were going to rent a place down here for a while if we still do you should join" He said. "I want to" I said. "I just love it here. The atmosphere here is so amazing. There is so many people with different talents and mindsets. I want to finish high school here. " I smiled. "Then do it" He shrugged. "It's not that simple" I sighed. "Why not" he shrugged again. "i don't know" I mumbled.

We skated for a few more seconds until we hit the board walk. We picked up our boards and ran around. "THEY HAVE AN OBEY STORE" I yelled running to the store. Aaron laughed and followed me inside. "Everything in here is amazing" I fanned my eyes pretending to tear up. "I know bae" Aaron played along fanning his eyes as well. We laughed and walked out of the store. We ran back down the board walk like kids. "Come back" Aaron whined. "Nope" I smirked. He ran after me. Due to way to many Netflix and chill nights i am very un fit so he caught up to me very fast. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "Stop put me down" I yelled punching his back. "Yeah no!" He laughed carrying me around. "Put me down" I whined in a baby voice. "Fine" He laughed back putting me on my feet. I stuck out my tung making him roll his eyes. "Just kiss me already" He smiled as i stared deep into his eyes. I smiled and leaned into his lips.

Something about Aaron made me feel safe. To be honest i liked watching him yell at Ethan. It made me fell like i could trust him. He grabbed my hips pulling me into him. "AARON" A group of girls screamed making both of us jump out of the kiss."Holy shit is this your girlfriend" One of them squealed. "No she's to ugly to be with him" One laughed. "She's prettier than you inside and out" Aaron scoffed. "I'm sorry" she pleaded. "Your sorry because you realize you will never have me" Aaron rolled his eyes. She ran off crying making me laugh a bit. "Little bitch" Aaron laughed making the rest of his fans laugh. They hugged him and took pictured one even asked me to be in her picture. 

After that we ran down to the ocean. We threw of our clothes so we were in our bathing suits and splashed in the water.  I watched as the seagulls fly around. "Do you think in a second life i could have been a bird" I smiled looking at Aaron. "I'm not reacting the Notebook" He stated. "Say i'm bird" I smiled. "No" He laughed. "Say it" I insisted. He shook his head. "Say it!" I yelled jumping in his arms. "Your a bird" He sighed. "Say your a bird too" I smiled. "If your a fucking bird, i'm a bird" He broke into a smile. I smiled and smashed my lips into his. We moved in sync as the tide washed up and down our legs. We were oblivious when the enormous wave wiped us out. 

"If i wasn't holding you i would have been able to take that" Aaron  protested. "Bullshit" I laughed ringing out my hair in a towel. "Come on i have something to show you" Aaron smiled grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to the board walk. He dragged me into an ice cream shop. "Aaron this place is closed" I whisper yelled. "Shut up" He whisper yelled back. He brought me into the back where there was extra ice cream and scoops. He rummaged threw the drawers. "This is illegal" I whispered to him. "Not when your cousin gives you the key to his own shop" He smirked. He grabbed a remote from one of the drawers and it flickered on the lights. He handed me a scoop and opened the ice cream cooler. He used his scoop and scooped himself a scoop of ice cream. Then Aaron stuck his finger in it and smeared it on my nose. "You didn't" I fake yelled. "I did thought" He shrugged. I scooped some ice cream and smeared it on his chest. "Jerk" He whined. I grabbed a napkin and whipped the ice cream of our bodies. 

We ate at least 2000 calories worth the ice cream. " I'm so damn full" I sighed. "Me too" Aaron laughed. "So......." he said slowly. "What's going to happen when i go back to Jersey" I said a bit sad. "I know we have only know each other for a matter of days but i have never cared about someone like i do you. I feel o connected to you. I know you might go back to New Jersey, but there is nothing for you there. If you promise o stay here i will convince Jack and his Girlfriend to get a place down here for the summer." Aaron said intertwining our hands. "If you want i will even make up with the twins and ask them to come two. I just really want to be with you" He smiled. "Okay" I smiled hugging him. "So on that note.... will you be my girlfriend" he said awkwardly. "Of course" I smiled pecking his lips. 

After that we skated back to the hotel hand in hand. Tomorrow was the main event for digi so we  went back to our rooms for rest. "Bye" I kissed Aaron's cheek. "Bye" He smiled. I closed my room door and fell onto my bed. This was a feeling i never haven't felt in forever, Happiness.

A/n Okay so in this story every one is a bit older as you already know so this is the age list.

Ethan and Gray: 17

Savanah: 17

Aaron: 18

Jack: 18

Kayce: 19

So yeah that is everyone's age! Alright love yah! Bye babes :P

My Bullies... (Ethan and Grayson Dolan Fanfic )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon