Chapter 2

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Marco was waiting at the front door. "A taxi's coming," he said, picking up his bag. "Why use a taxi when you have magic?!" Star said. "Teloporte to ze airporte!" Star, Marco, and Mr. and Mrs. Diaz teleported to the airport. "Star!!" Mrs. Diaz said, "I wasn't finished packing!" "Oh, sorry," Star said, looking down at her feet. "Teleporte to ze home," she said, waving her wand. They arrived back home. Marco put his and on her shoulder. "It's alright, Star," he said. "Mom's just really nervous. She doesn't want to forget anything." Star nodded. "I understand," she said, sitting on the couch. She took out her phone and played games until they finished packing. "The taxi's here!" Marco called to his parents. "We're ready!" They said, carrying about 3 bags each out the door. "Geez," Star muttered, walking out the door.

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