Chapter 5

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Marco sighed as he looked out his window. He was so bored! At least I have Star, he thought, glancing at the magazine page she was reading. The title read "Top 50 hairstyles trending today." She noticed him looking and glanced at him. "Hi," she said, smiling. "Hello Star," he replied, kissing her the cheek. She blushed and continued reading. Marco smiled to himself. It was adorable how easily he could make her blush. "Hey, I want to show you something," Star said, digging in her backpack. She pulled out a book titled "New York Tourist Attractions." She handed it to him. "Why don't you start planning our trip since you have nothing to do?" She said, winking. Marco smiled at her and got his notebook and pen. "I'll start," he replied, opening to the table of contents. "Definitely Statue of Liberty," he muttered, writing it down in his notebook.

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