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AUTHORS NOTE: I'm so sorry I don't really know how to wright well but I know that only like 1 person is reading this so shout out to that person lol!! Sorry writing this on my phone!

Caleb's P.O.V:
I can't stop thinking about hanna. What am I supposed to do am I supposed to tell her that I still love her or am I supposed to just play cool....OH WHO AM I KIDDING I CAN'T PLAY COOL IM MIGHT JUST CRWAL INTO A HOLE AND NEVER COME OUT!!!! Ring ring my phone went off I checked it, it was Emily. Me and Emily never lost touch we were like best friends that only talked on the phone.
C: "Hello"
C: "so.....what's up?"
E: "what do you mean?"
C: "I mean you only call at 8:00 in the morning if your mad, stressed, sad, or need advice about Alison!"
E: "ok so Alison got mad at me for..."
C: "for what??"
E: "she wanted to adopt a kid but I didn't want to so she is now ignoring me. What should I do??"
E: "hello caleb"
C: "sorry I just have a lot going through my mind right now"
E: "ok what's bugging you?"
C: "we shouldn't be talking about my problems you called to talk about yours!"
E: "mine can wait"
C: "ok well.....hanna is back and well that's that."
E: "we'll how do you feel about it."
C: "I don't know Iv never experienced this before you know how they say "mixed emotions"
E: "ya"
C: "we'll I never new what that meant until now."
E: "so what are you going to do?"
C: "I don't know.....but what I do know is that.....I still love her and I never ever have not thought of her!"
E: "we'll then tell her that!"
C: "I can't!"
E: "Y??"
C: "it's complicated"
E: "we'll if you still love her and want to be with her than don't just stand there and let her slip out of your life something."
C: "your right...but what if she has moved on? What if she doesn't want to get back together? What If she stopped loving me? I can't just tell her she might hate me for taking to admit that i still want her and that I need her!"
E: "we'll isn't that a risk your willing to take?"
C: "uh I don't know?"
E: "hey calm down I can hear your your voice shaking"
C: "I just....I..."
E: "what is it"
C: "nothing..."
E: "caleb"
C: "umm....I'm sorry I got to go"
E: "wait caleb!!"
General P.O.V:
Hanna was at work not even focusing on what she was doing all she could think about was caleb! She new she shouldn't have been but she was.
Hanna's P.O.V:
I didn't even know what I was doing CALEB CALEB is all I could think about. What am I going to do. I'm going to be stuck probably seeing him every day, I mean don't get me wrong I do want to see's just things between us are not easy. I love him...wait I can't love him I have boyfriend who I have been with for 3 years now...but caleb I have loved him longer, stronger, first!! I mean how could you not fall for that beautiful smile and those eyes that just make you melt and the way he looks at you!! No no I can't think like that HANNA YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND that your happy with let's just keep it that way..ya I can do that right!!??
Caleb's P.O.V:
Should I call her....naaa......but.....ya I'm calling her!...........
H: "hello"
C: "hey this is caleb"
H: "oh hey umm"
C: "look I really need to talk to you. Can you meet me at my apartment at 3:00 plz"
H: "uhh three I can't cuz ill still be at work but um maybe 4. Wait y do you need to talk to me?"
C: "I just really do so can you do it?"
H: "uh ya and what's your address"
C:"same as the old one"
H: oh ok well see you later"
C: "bye"
H: "bye"
Well that went well I think!!
General P.O.V:
It has already been 4:00 and hanna just got out of work and is heading to Caleb's place. Caleb is very stressed about how he is going to tell her....what he doesn't know is that she has a boyfriend!
Hanna's P.O.V:
I wonder what he has to tell me. It must be important if he wanted to tell me face to face. I can't BELIVE that he still has the apartment that me and caleb lived in for 2 years and now he has been for 5 I wonder if it still looks the same. I arrived knock knock. Caleb opens the door and he looks so dam hot. "Come in" he says as I snap back to realty. "Wow it never changed" I said in a surprised face. "We'll I didn't want to change it, it has a lot of good memories." Omg did he just say that, that is so sweet!!
General P.O.V:
Hanna spotted a photo of them in the corner she didn't say anything so things don't get more awkward. She was almost going to cry seeing that caleb held on to things like this. Caleb got closer to hanna and held her hand. He looked her in her eyes and she did the same. There lips were so close to each others.
C: "hanna"
H: "ya"
C: " I have something I need to tell you but If I tell you this....things might change"
H: "what is it"
C: "I still....I still..."
H: "you still what caleb?"

AUTHORS NOTE: I know my chapters are short but I will try to update very fast!!

Haleb ReunitedWhere stories live. Discover now