A plan

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Hanna's pov:
It's been two hours sense me and caleb talked. I feel so confused of what I should do. Iv been in my car sense I left his apartment stress eating chicken and mash patios. I just can't believe he still loves me. That day I left him has replayed in my head day by day night by night putting my thoughts in a loop. I can't believe I made him think I don't love him, of course I do. But.........Jordan.....
I think I should go home
I get home and start going into my bedroom looking 4 Jordan sense he is sick. When I get there he isn't in the room so I I assumed he is in the bathroom. " Jordan...Jordan.." I shout, no answer...we're could he be. I decided to call him. *phone ringing*
"come on pick up" I say to myself. *voice mail plays* "come on!!!" I'm worried something bad happened to him. I started to text him.

   H: "hey I just got home. I had to work later today anyways were r u. I called u and u didn't answer I'm worried plz text back as soon as possible."
  After 29 min of waiting my phone beeps..finally it's a text from Jordan.
  J: "sorry just decided to go 4 a walk ill be back at 8:00 I'm just getting dinner to eat luv u."
H: "ok and eat up cuz when u come back ur not getting any more food"
J: "of course I want you to relax and ill see u later"
H: "bye"
  Now what? I'm all alone!!
Caleb's pov:
I'm still thinking about Hanna. I'm heart broken. I know that I'm supposed to be the strong one but I just can't. I can't image Hanna cheating on me I thought she would never betray me......I love her and that's Y I'm going to not think about what she did and just try and get my girl back. I need a way to split them up, but how? I know...I'll just find something bad about her stupid boyfriend and use it against him. Everybody has a dirty secret.......I know I'm being mean but I just can't even stand thinking about her with someone else, I know that this was supposed to happen, I should move on but I can't. I'm taking my girl back if it is the last thing I do!!

  Authors note: i know that this chapter is short but I decided to give u guys what I already starred until I can actually think of something good and ill might keep giving u little by little lol

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