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Previously on Haleb Reunited:
"I still.....I still...", "you still what caleb?"
Hanna's P.O.V: WHAT DID HE JIST SAY!!! Ok I don't know how to feel right now.oh my I happy? To much silence what should I say?? Before I could say anything caleb spoke again.

C: "look hanna I understand that we were over a long long time ago but I just....i don't understand why you did what you did. Every day I would think of you of US! 😥But I never understood what I did wrong.
H: I told you it wasn't something about you.
H: I did...something unforgivable and If....I told you, you would....I Didn't want you to feel like you weren't loved or alone.....I..I.
I then started to feel tears roll down my check. But I could see caleb was more hurt and he was hurt because he didn't know why I left him I could never tell him so I thought to leave him instead of feeling guilty!
C: " feel unloved? Really! That is exactly how I felt. I thought its just a normal break up well get back together but I never realized that..!.that its never going to be okay again. In the past 3 years every time I would just hug a women I would think of you. I would always think of you...but you never even thought of me and you left me so you never even loved me. I didn't know it would come downtown this."
H: "Caleb what are you taking about...I loved you....I love you"
C: "We'll it didn't seem that way"
H: "I'm sorry...I...I just didn't want to feel guiltily"
C: "Y would you feel guilty??!!!"

Caleb's P.O.V:
C:"Y would you feel guiltily??!!!"
H: "I told you I did something horrible and I can't undo it!!"
She started to cry I didn't want her to but I was to in the moment of being mad that I at this point just kept screaming.
H: "I...was...drunk.....and did something I regret!" She kept crying and I did feel bad but when I asked her y it came out like I was just being plane mean!
C: "what....Y R U CRYING??"
H: "Plz plz...stop yelling I know your mad but if I tell you, you'll feel even worse and I already made you miserable if I tell you this it will just break your heart....(crying) have to understand its 4 ur own good!"
C: "just tell me plz....I need to know y...plz"
H: ok...remember that time when you left for a week for work?"
C: "yaa...."
H: "when you left we were arguing about something and I was mad...I hade a couple drinks...went to the club...and...I....I was so mad that I.....I hooked up with someone...(crying)..."
C: "what!"
H: "I was sacred to tell you because I was worried you would never forgive me...I'm sorry..but I promise it ment nothing"
C: " wait wait let me get this cheated on me then you broke up with me..what?"
H: "I told you I didn't want to feel guilty..."
C: "you could have told me..I would have forgave you. instead here we r taking about something you did three years ago!"
H: "I know I made a mistake"
C: " look I don't care about what you did three years ago...because I love you and I miss you"
Caleb got closer to Hanna!
H: "caleb I have a boyfriend"
C: "oh...well can't you.."
Hanna cut him off.
H: "no he is a nice guy and I don't think I should just dumb him because we have everything resolved."
C: "but..I need you..."
Hanna walked up to caleb and kissed his cheek and said "good bye caleb" tears rolled down her face every second. She stood there for a little then walked out of his apartment.
Caleb's pov: I new it I'm so dumb I should have just kept quit...YYYYYYY....y would she choose someone she just met over me does she not love me anymore was she lying that she still loved me..I feel....BROKEN!

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