Chapter 11: Break His Little Heart

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((Hey Fansies! Here's the latest chapter! Just curious, any opinions on the new Tourises??? Enjoy! -Wolf))


Chapter 11: Break His Little Heart

I stared blankly out through the bars on my window. I was back in the Refuge. I couldn't believe it. After all the trouble I had gone through to bust out of this wretched place, going as far to whack Snyder upside the head with a serving tray, I couldn't comprehend that I had returned once more.

I ran a hand through my hair, absentmindedly re-tying the string that held it back before readjusting my newsies cap.

"Stupid Snyder," I growled under my breath, narrowing my eyes. "Stupid Delanceys."

I heard the knob on my door turning, and I jumped to my feet, whirling around. Two figures stood in the doorway, smirking.

"What do you want," I snarled as the Delancey brothers entered my "room" as Snyder called it, though it was really more of a cell, with the barred window and all.

The two boys gave each other a look out of the corner of their eyes, and they slowly approached me, their demeanor somewhat threatening as they looked me up and down.

"We're here to offer you a proposal, sweet face," said Oscar finally, winking at me.

"No," I said flatly, and turned my back on them. Bad idea on my part.

Oscar grabbed my arm and pulled me against him, yanking my arms behind my back and holding them there, making it so I couldn't move them. I let out a growl of annoyance as I struggled against his iron grip, only to find that from the position I was currently in, I could get no where.

"Listen up, Jamie," Oscar announced, narrowing his eyes in annoyance at my futile struggling.

I stiffened. "Don't call me that," I whispered through clenched teeth, my expression darkening.

Morris laughed. "It's ya name, ain't it? Jamie Conlon! Who knew the King of Brooklyn had a sister! If Spot's King, does that make you Queen? Or would you be the Princess?"

"Shut up!" I snarled, but then regained my composure. "Ma name's Blitz now," I said stiffly. "No one calls me Jamie."

"Oh we know," said Oscar, his lips just inches from my ear. "But we realized it's because they don't know. None of ya little newsie friends knows who ya really are, do they. Ya lied ta all of 'em, pretendin' ta be someone ya ain't. You're a liar, Jamie, a fraud."

"I am not!" I hissed, struggling once more in Oscar's grip.

"Oh yeah? What do you call what you're doing to the newsies then, hmm? What is it that the Cowboy always says, improvin' the truth?" questioned Morris.

I glared at him, but bit back a sharp retort and said nothing.

"So, back to our proposal. Morris and I, we was thinkin', ya see," Oscar began, his eyes gleaming darkly.

I cut him off quickly with a smirk and a quick comeback of, "Better be careful. Thinkin' must be mighty difficult for ya. You two could hurt yaself."

Oscar's grip on me tightened as he chose to ignore what I had said and went on. "Well, we figured, ya wouldn't want your poor friends to find out that you had lied to all of 'em. Imagine their reaction when they find out who ya really are. So, here's the deal. In return for us keepin' our mouths shut, you have to come and sell the papes to the newsies every day with us."

"What?!" I questioned, horrified. "No! I would never do that ta my friends! That'd be goin' against our strike! That'd make me a scab! And ya know what we do ta scabs? We soak 'em!"

Oscar and Morris exchanged a look. "I'm sure your little street rat friends would love to find out who ya really are... Especially that gambler, Racetrack," Morris said with a smirk.

"Wouldn't it just break his little heart," Oscar whispered, his lips brushing my ear. "I can see the look on his dirty, disgustin' little face when he learns his precious Blitz ain't even called Blitz, and that she's the King of Brooklyn's sister. Hmm... Does that make ya off-limits, Jamie?"

"Leave Racetrack out'a this," I snarled, struggling against Oscar's grip as best I could. "Racetrack is innocent in all' this. You leave him be. If ya even think 'bout hurtin' him, I'll skin ya both alive."

Oscar laughed, spinning me around but keeping my arms pinned behind my back. "Not gonna happen, Jamie."

Suddenly, his lips crashed against mine.

I let out a startled shout, twisting my head to the side and spitting at him, writhing in his grasp.

"Is that what it feels like when Racetrack kisses ya?" he hissed, kissing me again as I attempted to free myself from his iron grip.

"Let me go, ya bastard!" I roared when I finally managed to turn my head away.

Oscar and Morris laughed, but Oscar did finally release me, shoving me into the corner of my room. "We'll be by in the morning, sweet face," said Oscar with a grin. "Be ready to sell them papes."

"I won't do it!" I snarled, "I won't do that ta my friends!"

Morris shrugged. "You're choice, Jamie. Ya come with us, we'll protect ya from ya street rat friends. Ya choose ta stay here an' rot in the refuge... Well, then every newsies from here ta Brooklyn, ta Harlem, an' even ta Queens will know who you really are. An' then, we'll go fix ya boytoy, Racetrack."

Oscar snickered. "Fix 'im so he can't walk!" He chimed in.

"I swear, if either a you two hurts him, you're gonna regret you was even born," I snarled, taking a threatening step forwards.

Morris laughed. "How will ya be able ta do anythin' if you're locked up in the refuge, sweet face?"

I bit my tongue to keep from snapping at them again and turned away, my eyes dark.

Oscar and Morris exchanged a glance, and then the two of them began to laugh.

"Ya really don't got much of a choice, Jamie," said Oscar with a smirk. "See ya in the mornin'."

The brothers then left my room, laughing maliciously, and slammed the door shut behind them.

I collapsed onto my sorry excuse for a bed without another word, and for the first time in a long while, tears began to form in my eyes.


((So, Fansies, what do you think? Please comment and vote if you liked it! Also, feel free to check out my other fanfics if you feel so inclined! They are...

Better Run for Cover - A Les Misérables fanfic
Till I Hear You Sing Once More - A Phanfic
Hatter - A Once Upon a Time fanfic

Thanks guys! Stay beautiful! -Wolf))

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