Chapter 12: Just like a Scab

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((Hey Fansies! I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated! I've been really busy with school and extracurriculars. Here's a new chapter. It's kind of short, but there will hopefully be more on the way once exams are over! Enjoy!))


Chapter 12: Just like a Scab

I didn't sleep at all that night. All I could think of was Oscar and Morris, and their goddamn proposal. All I could think about was that I had no choice but to accept it. All I could think about was protecting Racetrack.

I stared bleakly out the window as the first rays of the early morning sun appeared over the rooftops of the buildings of New York. A groan escaped my lips as I attempted to think of a solution to my predicament, but I could find none. I considered fighting Oscar and Morris when they came to get me, but I knew that against the two of them, I wouldn't stand a chance. One of them, I could take, but both, that would be putting my life in danger.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps in the corridor outside my so-called room. I stiffened, readjusting my black, dirt-smudged newsies cap, and turned towards the door, pressing my back up against the wall and wishing I could melt into it and then run off into the streets on the other side.

A moment later, I heard the lock on my door click open, and I watched as the knob slowly turned and the door swung open. They both wore identical smirks.

"Wipe those stupid looks off'a ya dumb faces, turn around, and walk back on out that door," I snarled, giving them the strongest death glare I could muster.

"And a good mornin' ta you too, sweet face!" Oscar snickered.

"It would have been good if I wasn't in this place, and if I didn't have ta see the both'a you," I spat.

Morris gave me a malicious smirk and then he held something out to me.

"What the hell is that?" I growled, eyeing it warily.

"New clothes," he answered, raising his eyebrows, looking rather impatient.

I recoiled slightly. "What for?" I questioned, somewhat confused.

Morris rolled his eyes. "For you ta wear, obviously. They certainly smell better than the ones ya're wearin' right now."

"Why you," I snarled, lunging towards him with my fist swinging, only to have him then fling the clothes at me, hitting me in the face and causing me to stumble backwards as I swatted them away. I looked at the clothes that were now on the ground at my feet, and after another moment of hesitation, I bent down and picked them up. I gave the Delanceys an icy glare, and then turned and stalked back over to the sorry excuse for a bed that stood in the corner. I lay the clothes out on the bed and smoothed them out, looking them over.

"Oscar wanted ta get ya somethin' nicer, but Pulitzer vetoed it," Morris said slowly as he watched me intently.

They had given me new, clean work boots that looked a lot like nicer versions of the ratty ones that I was wearing, socks, a blue button-up shirt, grey trousers, a darker grey vest, and a grey newsies cap.

"They're a little too fancy ta be my style," I said slowly, glancing down at my torn, dirty clothes before looking over my shoulder at Oscar and Morris.

Oscar scoffed. "They're ya style now. Put 'em on and meet us in the hallway in five minutes. If ya're not out by then, we're comin' in." He gave me a disgusting wink, and then the brothers left my room.

I waited until they closed the door before I turned back to the clothes. "I'll look like a goddamn scab," I whispered, but I knew I had no other choice. So, gritting my teeth, I changed out of my dirty outfit and put on the new clothes. Once I was done, I folded my old clothes into a neat pile, and then, finding my door unlocked, slipped out into the hallway.

I subconsciously fiddled with the brim of my new cap as I walked up to the Delanceys. The two of them were leaning against the wall at the end of the hallway, and they looked me up and down as I approached.

After several moments of the brothers judging my appearance, they exchanged a look, then turned to me and nodded their approval. I rolled my eyes at them and then growled, "I look just like a goddamn scab. Let's get this over with before I die from the horror."

Oscar and Morris both gave me a cruel grin and then, flanking me on either side, they lead me from the Refuge and out into the street.


((What do you think? Please comment and vote if you like it! I'll try and have another chapter up soon! Stay beautiful, -Wolf))

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