Chapter 6: We're gonna Be in the Papes

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((Hey Fansies! Sorry it has been so long since I updated! I know I say this every time, with all my stories, but I am always so busy! However, to show for it, I can let you guys in on the fact that I made Regional Choir and am in Les Misérables at my high school!
So... here's the next chapter in Blitz! Enjoy! -Wolf))


Chapter 6: We're Gonna Be in the Papes

I couldn't help it. I laughed. Spot tilted his head to the side, studying me. "Heya Liam," I said quietly, glancing around to make sure none of the other boys could hear what we were saying. When I saw that none of the boys were paying any attention to us at all, and that they were all busy rejoicing, I wrapped my arms around Spot, pulling him into a quick hug. "Where have ya been? I thought I would neva see ya again!" I exclaimed. Spot hugged me back, and then sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I've been in Brooklyn," he said, avoiding my gaze. "Obviously," I muttered looking at the Brooklyn newsies that had arrived, clearly taller and stronger looking than the Manhattan newsies. "But so was I, an' while you was apparently not far away, I was sufferin' through Pa's drunken rages," I said quietly. Spot guiltily avoided my gaze. "I'm sorry, Jamie," Spot began, biting his lip, "I wanted ta come back foah ya, really, I did!" he said. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Then why didn't ya?" I asked quietly.

"The boys needed me," whispered Spot. "They were struggling! Going hungry every otha night, falling prey ta da boys in otha boroughs! I couldn't leave 'em like that when I could help 'em!" I shook my head slowly, smiling ever so slightly. "That's my big brother... Protectin' the innocents..." Spot stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. "Don't be makin' fun a me, Jamie," he whined. I laughed, before saying, "Da mighty Spot Conlon, King a Brooklyn, complainin' ta his little sista." Spot rolled his eyes, punching me lightly in the shoulder.

"I am sorry thoah," he said, becoming serious once more. "Can ya... can ya forgive me foah the times I wasn't there foah ya?" he asked slowly. I paused for a moment, looking into Spot's pleading eyes. I sighed and then hugged him again, nodding. "I can Liam," I whispered into his shoulder before I finally released him from my embrace. He smiled at me, and then nodded his head in the direction of the large group of newsies.

"Why don't I introduce ya ta some a my boys?" he asked. I grinned and nodded. "Oh, Spot?" I asked, as we started to walk towards the group. "Yeah?" he asked. "Ma name's Blitz now, and also... I think it's best ta not tell anyone that we're related foah now... A lot a da 'Hattan boys ah scared a you," I giggled. Spot smirked. "Well, Blitz, if ya think that's the right way ta play the game, then that's what we'll do... Foah now." I nodded, accepting this.

As we approached the large group of newsies, Jack came up to us grinning. "Heya Spot," he said, spitting in his hand and holding it out to shake. Spot smirked and returned the gesture, spit-shaking with Jack. "Heya Jacky Boy." Jack then turned to me. "So, Blitz, I assume ya already figured this out, but just in case ya didn't, this heah is the famous Spot Conlon, King a Brooklyn." I smirked and nodded, looking at Spot for a moment as he bowed in my direction, smirking as well. Jack watched the simple exchange with a calculating eye, but didn't say anything about it.

Racetrack joined us a moment later, giving me a shy smile before saying hello to Spot. The conversation turned to the strike, and after a few moments, Spot was called by one of his newsies. Before dragging me away with him, he gave Jack and Racetrack a long, hard look, saying, "This goil heah sure is somethin'... Ya bettah take good care a her, or I just might hafta take 'er back ta Brooklyn with me." Jack and Racetrack exchanged a slightly worried glance, but nodded quickly as Spot took my hand and pulled me after him into the group of Brooklyn boys.

"Who's this?" asked a tall, muscular boy with dark hair as Spot pulled me into the circle of Brooklyn newsies. Spot looked at me for a moment before saying, "This is Blitz, a new addition ta the 'Hattan newsies." The dark-haired boy looked me up and down, raising and eyebrow, but then he shrugged. "Blitz, this is Dodger, one of my seconds in command." I smiled at Dodger, who after a moment of just looking at me, relaxed, grinned, and tipped his hat in my direction.

Spot pointed to another boy who looked quite similar to Dodger, except that his hair was a light blonde. "This is Ace, Dodger's brother, and my other second in command." I nodded, saying a simple, "Hey," to Ace, who grinned at me and tipped his hat like his brother had done.

As my brother lead me around the circle, he listed off the names of the boys, though I knew there was no way I would be able to remember them all right away. There was Giuseppe, Bullet, Matches, Jet, Rascal, Bolt, Muscles, Blue, Fins, Thayne, Corey, and so many more.

They each greeted me in turn, looking me over as Spot lead me past, until he reached Dodger and Ace once more. "Now what did ya need ta tell me?" Spot asked Dodger and Ace. In perfect sync, the brothers pointed to a man with a camera a little ways away, attempting to get the newsies together for what I assumed would be a picture.

Spot raised his eyebrows, but yelled to his newsies to stop fidgeting for a moment and smile. The man took the picture, and as he walked away, Jack yelled, "Ey, Denton! Make shoah ya spell ma name right!" I laughed quietly, earning me a curious look from Spot. I rolled my eyes at him, before saying, "Spot... We're gonna be in the papes."


((Opinions? Comment and vote if you like it! Sorry it's not incredibly long... Thanks for reading! -Wolf))

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