Chapter 2: No One's Missin' Me

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(Hey guys! Here's another chapter - please read/comment/vote! And share this with your friends! I like to share my work with people, so the more, the better! Thanks! -Wolf)


Chapter 2: No One's Missin' Me

"Hey, kid," called a voice. Jack. I slowly turned around and waited as the boy walked up to me, David a few paces behind him. I noticed then that Jack's eyes were wide in amazement. "What?" I asked, confused. "Remind me never ta get inta a fight with you," said Jack simply. I raised my eyebrows and smiled slightly. "Is that a compliment Jack?" called David in surprise. Jack rolled his eyes but nodded ever so slightly. My grin widened.

"What's ya name?" he asked. "Blitz," I answered, taking off my cap and letting my hair fall down against my back. Jack grinned and spit in his hand, then held it out to shake. "Jack Kelly." I spit in my hand as well and shook Jack's hand. "So why do they call ya Blitz?" asked Jack curiously. I frowned. He knew it wasn't my real name. "Why do ya think?" I asked in return. "I can beat up just about anyone and they'll never see it coming." Jack nodded, surprisingly impressed. David actually looked rather nervous. "What's the matta'?" I asked him. David frowned. "You just knocked the Warden unconscious!" he said. "Yeah, I did," I said, turning to face him. David opened his mouth as if to say something else, then changed his mind and was quiet. "Amazing!" exclaimed Jack. I gave him a questioning look. "You shut him up!" he laughed, slapping David on the back. David rolled his eyes as I laughed softly.

"That's a dangerous move though," said David finally. I gave him a questioning look. "Warden Snyder has an in with people like Mr. Pulitzer. He isn't just going to forget what you did... He'll have the cops after you in no time flat." "Well that is, once he wakes up," snickered Jack, putting his arm around my shoulders. "I don't know about you Blitz, but I think you's could take on the coppers if they came after ya." I sidestepped, letting his arm fall, a wary look in my eyes as I shrugged, and said, "We'll 'ave to wait and see."

Jack sighed, fiddling with the bandana that was tied around his neck. "Blitz..." he began, then paused for a moment, glancing at David. David nodded, and Jack asked, "Blitz, what're ya gonna do now that you're out of the Refuge? You got a family who's been missin' ya?" I sighed, looking at my feet for a moment before answering. "My Pop's a drunk. My Ma left him, my brother and I when I was a little kid. My Pop's been locked up for one of the crimes he committed while he was so drunk he didn't know the difference between his face and his rear end. My older brother ran off years ago when he got the chance cause Pop used to beat him when he was drunk... No Jack, I ain't got a family who's been missin' me."

David gave me a look of pure sympathy. Jack frowned. "Oh... I'm sorry. But Blitz, you know... You could come back to the lodging house with me and David..." "Actually, Jack, I ought to be getting back to my apartment. Ma, Dad, Sarah and Les will be wondering where I am," said David. Jack shrugged. "Alright then," he said. "See you in the morning." David nodded. "Carryin' the banner," he said with a smile. "Carryin' the banner," repeated Jack with a grin. "Good luck Blitz, and nice to meet you... Maybe I'll see you tomorrow," said David. I nodded slowly, a smile forming on my lips. "See ya David," I said, watching him as he headed off down the street and vanished around the corner.

I turned around to face Jack, putting my cap back on my head, but this time, I left my hair down. "The lodging house..." I said slowly, "As in the Newsies lodging house?" I asked. Jack nodded, fiddling with the bandanna around his neck. "Ain't that a place for boys?" I asked. Jack shrugged. "Sorta," he said. "But if ya act like the rest of us then you'll be fine." I nodded slowly. "But wouldn't I have to be a Newsie to stay there?" I asked. Jack rolled his eyes. "You think things through too much," he muttered. "Crutchie won't be back for a while I'd imagine. That means his selling spot is empty. Blitz, you don't have anywhere else to go... Why don't you join the Newsies? You'll make some money and you'll get some food every day... It ain't a bad life." Jack paused for a moment, frowning. "Well, it wasn't a bad life until Pulitzer and Hearst jacked up the priced of the papes... But we're striking, so they've gotta lower the prices. If no one sells their papes, then they don't make no money. After a few days of makin' no money and boom! They'd 'ave ta be dumb bums to keep the prices up." I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options. Now though, as I thought about it, I didn't really have another option.

I looked at Jack for a moment before I allowed myself to relax and finally, I nodded. "Alright Jack," I said, smiling slightly. "Lead the way."

(Whadda ya guys think? Should I continue? Do you like it? Is it any good at all? Please let me know! -Wolf)

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