Chapter 3: Racetrack

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Chapter 3: Racetrack

Jack was grinning as he lead me through the streets of Manhattan, his posture proud and rather cocky as he showed off "his town" to me as we walked. "That's the best place to get a drink in all'a New York," he said, pointing to a small pub tucked in between two shops on the street. I laughed at this, which caused Jack to look at me funny. "What?" he asked, confused. "The best place to get a drink in all'a New York is in Brooklyn, ya dumb bum!" I said with a grin. Jack put his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah?" he asked. "Yeah!" I shot back, mimicking his posture. Laughing, Jack put a hand on my shoulder and turned me back towards the pub. "Let's put that to the test, shall we?" he said, and lead me into the pub.

Inside the pub, it was rather dark but there wasn't that many people, because it was rather late. "Two'a the usual, please," said Jack to the man behind the bar. "Make it three," said a voice from behind us. A boy who looked to be around Jack's age with short, dark hair, a cigar between his teeth, and a pair of dice in his hand walked up to the bar as well. The man nodded and returned a moment later with the drinks. Jack grinned at the boy, and took the three glasses from the bartender. I gazed warily at the newcomer as we sat down at a table in the back.

The two boys sat across from me and Jack slid me and the boy our drinks. "How've ya been Race?" Jack asked the boy. "Race?" I asked, looking the guy over. "Yeah," said the boy, taking his cigar out of his mouth and putting it and the dice into his pocket. "And I've been good, Jack." He turned back to look at me. "The name's Racetrack Higgins, but the boys call me Race. Who're you, Jack's new girl?" "Racetrack!" Growled Jack in annoyance. Racetrack raised his hands defensively. "Ey! I can never tell wit you!" I rolled my eyes as Jack blushed and muttered something to Race under his breath. "I ain't nobodies girl," I said, glaring at Race, who raised his eyebrows curiously. "Who are ya then?" he asked. "It ain't every day you see a pretty girl like yous dressed like one'a us." "They call me Blitz," I told him, my cold gaze never breaking contact with his curious one. "Blitz, huh?" said Race slowly. "Strong name, gotta mean something..." "What's it to you?" I asked, wondering whether or not I could trust this kid. Jack looked up from his drink and said, "Race is an old friend, he won't go blabbin' to nobody." I shrugged, taking a swig of my drink, then simply said, "I got fast feet and can punch ya lights out."

Racetrack raised his eyebrows, and I could tell that he didn't believe me. "Really now," he said, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "What, ya want me to prove it?" I asked, cracking my knuckles and glaring at him. Racetrack laughed. "She just knocked Warden Snyder unconscious!" announced Jack. Racetrack's eyes widened slightly. "Are you fo' real?" he asked. Jack nodded and I smirked slightly. "I just broke out of the Refuge a little while ago." Race now looked impressed. "I trust Jack's word," he said with a grin, then spit in his hand and held it out to shake. "You're alright, kid," he said with a laugh. I broke into a grin, then spit in my hand and shook with Race. "You ain't too bad yourself," I said in return. Racetrack laughed and the three of us downed the rest of our drinks.

"So was that better than the drinks in Brooklyn?" asked Jack as him, Race and I payed for the drinks and left the pub. I laughed. "It was good, I'll give you that, but you 'Hattan boys got nothin' on what we got in Brooklyn." Jack rolled his eyes, but laughed softly. "You're from Brooklyn?" asked Race. I nodded. Racetrack raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Really now! You eva' heard'a Spot Conlon?" I froze. "Spot... Conlon?" I repeated, narrowing my eyes at Race and Jack. "Yeah," said Jack, "He's the lead'a of the Newsies ova in Brooklyn. He's a real rough, tough, don't take no shit from nobody kinda guy." I nodded slowly. I decided then that I wanted to keep my real name a secret for now, just in case. "Never heard of 'im, but he don't sound too bad," I said, though part of me wanted to tell the two boys. My family's name is Conlon. My brother, Liam, ran away years ago into the streets of Brooklyn and Jack and Race just described his personality perfectly. Could this Spot Conlon be my brother, Liam?

Racetrack looked surprised. "He don't sound too bad?" he repeated. "He makes the Delancey brothers run back to Mr. Weisel! What do ya mean he don't sound too bad?" I couldn't help but laugh. "What now?!?" asked Race in annoyance as we walked down the street, the Newsies lodging house visible in the distance. I smirked. "I grew up in Brooklyn, Race," I explained. "Everyone's like that." Racetrack rolled his eyes. "You Brooklyn people are too cocky," he muttered. I glared at him. "You 'Hattan people ask too many questions," I shot back. Jack laughed at this and put his arm around Race's neck. "When Racetrack sees a beautiful girl, he likes to know who they are, hence all the questions," said Jack simply. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Did you just call me beautiful?" I asked as Racetrack blushed, clearly embarrassed. "What, am I not allowed to or something?" he asked innocently, his eyes gleaming with amusement. I shrugged and innocently said, "Just remember that I can punch ya lights out."

Jack and Race laughed. "Is that a threat?" asked Race, raising his eyebrows. "Yes, that is a threat!" I shot back, raising a fist as if to punch him. Laughing, the three of us climbed the steps to the lodging house. "So are you gonna be stayin' with us?" asked Race, gesturing towards the lodging house. I nodded slowly. "We're gonna make 'er inta da best Newsie there eva' was," said Jack, pulling open the door and ushering Race and I inside.

((Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I updated! I've been away for a good part of the summer! So what do you think of the new chapter? Please comment and vote! Let me know if you think I should continue this or not! I really appreciate the feedback! -Wolf))

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