chapter 3

13 2 4

Hey guys left it on a cliff hanger sorry I haven't wrote this book in months its because if forgot all about it I know it sounds weird buts that's just me pk so let get back with the story so here we goooooo.......

"Iv hear that you have been getting messages from a random number" Alex said

"How do you know" I ask

"Oh ummm becau...."

Then Alex gets cuts of by Kelsey.

"Mum is going isn't going to be home tonight and we dont have a key so how do we get back into the house."

"I dont know" Alex say back to her.

"I think my mum is home you can stay over mine if you want."

"Thanks." Alex said. I smiles

We head back to mine but kelsey is in front of us talking to archie so I'm stuck with Alex again.

"So how is school so far" I ask starting an covestation


"I'm happy school I finnaly over"

"I'm not because I haven't seen the whole of the school yet and what its like" Alex says swinging his arm around then suddenly punched me in the face so I fall down to the floor holding my face.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to let me have a look" Alex says,

Alex POV

Suddenly I punch Chloe in the face and she drops to the ground.

"Omg I'm so sorry i didn't mean to let me have a look" I lift up her chin and I see that she has a cut and swollen lip and and nose bleed.

"Im so sorry didn't mean for this to happen." I say to her

"Its ok its fine its just a little blood I will survive " Chloe says starting to get up.

"Just a little and hope you to survive" I say helping her up.

I gab a tissue out of my bag and start wiping up some of the blood.

We finnaly reach her home.

She got the key from under her mat and we went in.

She chucked her school bag on the stairs along with her shoes and went into the kitchen and got the fist aid kit out.

Me and klesey take our shoes of and put the neatly on the step and put out bags on the end of the banister.

I walked in to the kitchen and just stood in the door frame looking at her.

I walk up to her and help wipe the blood away.

We all sat in the lounge watching duff will drinking a nice warm hot chocolate.

End of POV

I started to fall asleep so Kelsey moved to the arm chair and moved my feet to where she was sitting and I had my head on Alex lap.

My phone went of I looked at it and it was from Paige saying

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