chapter 6

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haha hey guys I left my book on a cliffhanger I don't no why I started with haha but yh so lets see what was the good news....

Still Alex POV

"the good new is Chloe is pregnant" the doctor smiled and went back into the room chloe was in

everyone look at me. I just blushed. "alexxxx" Sadie said

I blushed even more and just smiled. Everyone just laughed.

The doctor came back and said that we can go and see Chloe now.

As we enter I see her beautiful face looking up at the roof. I go and sit next to her in the chair next to the bed and hold her hand.

"I'm sorry"she whispers with a tear down her face

"Sorry for what?" I ask and wipe her tears away

"I didn't tell you about this"

"Its ok I now no now so I will make sure your ok every second im with you" I said and kissed her head

"Have you heard the news" she said and queezed my hand tighter then lose again

I looked at her blankly

"I'm going to have a baby we are going to be a family" Chloe says with a big smile then rubbed her hand over her stomach

"Oh right yeah I no its going to exciting I wonder if its a girl or a boy" I said and squeezed her hand.

"I don't know if you like these name but if its a girl I thought of Emily if its a boy Joe

"I love them" I say then have her a big smile

End of POV

"When can she come out of the hospital"Jason asked the doctor

"Tomorrow" replied the doctor

Everyone smiled

Everyone went home and I just laied there with wires and other stuff coming from me.

I fianally got to sleep and I couldn't wait till tomorrow

Next day.

I wake up with Alex by my side.

"Morning sleep head"he said

"Morning"I say back still partly asleep

"You ready to go home"

"Yeah let my get changed and do my hair, teeth and make up" i say to him


"Be right back"

I left the room and got ready and packed all my stuff and left the hospital with Alex

"I can't wait until the baby comes"Alex said

"Same because I have always dreamt of meet the perfect guys and having our own little family and the perfect guy is you" i say and kiss Alex

We finally get home and everyone is waiting for us

"CONGRATULATIONS" everyone shouts as I come through the door.

"Awe thank you guys" I say and give everyone a hug

"Sooo what you hoping it would be a boy or a girl" sadie asked

"I don't no" I say

"I'm so happy for you guys"Niall said

"Awe thank you" me and Alex say

"We decided to get a pizza and stay at mine for the night and go to the movies tomorrow because I had to rest.

Thx for reading and I will see you later with another chapter
Peace out ✌




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