chapter 5

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Hey guy haven't done an chapter in a while so I thought I would do one.

I wake up with arms around my waist I turn around and see alex fast asleep. I decided to cuddle with him and go back to sleep as I was still tired.

Kelsey came into my room and must of didnt like the sight if us hugging and came and laied in the middle of us.

I quickly jumped up and said still half asleep 'Kelsey what are you are you doing.'

"I thought I would wake you two up as its 12:45 in the afternoon and we are all going ice skating together me you alex Paige niall and Archie also sadie and jason."

As Kelsey said Archie I was thinking omg why why whyyyyyy.....

I just smiled at her and got of bed and put a blanket around me.

Then Paige and niall comes in.

"Seriously is there a party in this room or something." Alex said sitting up then pick up his T-shirt of the floor.

We spoke about random stuff like always.

We went down stairs and sat on the sofa and watched a film. We decided to wash the little mermaid. Well us girls did anyway.

When the songs where on like under the sea, kiss the girl and others came on us girls sang along to them.

The boys thought we r weird but found it cute.

There was a knock on the door so I got up of Alex lap and went to answer the door.

I opened the door. Sadie and Jason was there


"ME TO I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" then we both hug each other

The alex comes to the door and put his arms around my waist.

"Sadie this alex alex this is sadie jason this is alex alex this is jason" they shaked hands and came in.

Paige and sadie hugged each other because they havent seen other in ages aswell.

Sadie whispered in my ear "whos alex"

"My boyfriend" i whisper back


I just laughed

Me paige and sadie went upstairs while the boys were in the lounge

We sat on my bed just talking random stuff

"So who are the boys downstairs"sadie asked

"The blonde irish one is niall my boy friend and the other blonde one is alex Chloe's boyfriend"paige explained to sadie.

"Awe" said smiled at us

" i see your still with Jason"i say

"Yep because i love him so much and i still remember when you came over mine and we had a giggling fit for no reason and jason was watching us but we didnt no" sadie said them we all laughed bevause paige thought it was funny.

All of a sudden paige falls of the bed and hits her head on my draws but then she laughs even more so does sadie.

The boys come up to see what happened but see that we are laughing while paige is on the floor.

Me and sadie help paige up of the floor but some how we just stayed on the floor still laughing and not knowing the boys where there.

"What happened we heard a bang"Jason said

"Yh paige fell of the bed and hit her head"sadie said laughing

"Why is it so funny"niall asked

"I dont know"paige laughed

"You girls are crazy" alex said with a smile

"I know" us girls daid at the same time and laughed even more then the boys left

2hrs later

After our giggling fit we fell asleep on the floor al curled up next to each other because my floor was cold where it was wood.

The boys came up and saw us asleep then put us on my bed and put the blanket over us then went back downstairs.

I woke up because i couldnt breathe property. Paige and sadie woke aswell.

"Oh no"

"What happening"sadie asked

"She can't breathe properly we have to get the boys" paige said

"I will go get them you stay here just incase anything happens to her"sadie said

She went downstsirs and got the boys then when she got back upstairs paige was crying.

"Paige whats wrong"naill asked

"She's fainted"paige cried holding me in her asrms

She grabbed niall phone and called an ambulance

Alex carried me downstairs while the others followed behind.

Alex laied me on the sofa while they waited for the ambulance.

half an hour later the ambulance came and took my to the hospital. Alex was with me so he could make sure I was ok and he told the other that he would meet them there.

when the took me in I got put into a room and was put to a machine with wires getting connected to me.


I cant believe this has happened I wish I knew about this. maybe she kept it a secret from me and only Paige knew.

"how is she is she alive" Sadie said come rushing in towards me

"I don't know they just took her in they are putting wires to her and god knows what else I just hope she comes out alive I cant bare to see her like this it kills me."

"don't you think it kills all of us to see her like this" Paige says starting to cry into nialls chest

The doctor came out and said "there good new and bad news" "the bad news is that she might not live and the good news is....."

haha hey guys cliffhanger what is the good new find out in the next changer love you guys














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