chapter 7

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I wake up at 6:14. I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't. I look in the mirror and I could tell where the baby is growing because I've got a little bump now.

I go downstairs and Kelsey and Archie is downstairs on the couch watching the lion king

I sat down on the single arm chair and gave Archie a dirty look and he gave me one back like as I did it as a joke or some thing.

"So your going to have a baby"Archie said then smiled at me.

"Yeah" I said then smiled back

"And how old are you?"he joked

"18" I said back

"18 and your going to have a baby wow" he laughed

"Whats bad about that" I asked

"I don't no but what is your mum going to say about this" Archie then reminded me my mum is going to be back today afternoon.

"Oh ummm I don't know but I will have to tell her" I said with a sad smile.

Alex come downstairs and lifts me up and puts me on his lap. I don't know how he lifted me up because I'm heavy.

"What you guys talking about" alex asked

"Oh um just talking about the baby and about me telling my mum about it because she is coming home today" I say and cuddle in to his chest

"Oh right I can tell her for you" alex asked

"Ok but I don't want you getting shouted at by my mum we are only 18" I say to him

"I know but she will understand" alex smiled

"Ok thank you"I say

"Isn't that guy Archie the one who dumped you and now going out with Kelsey" alex whispered to me

"Yh" I whispered back

"I'm so sorry"

"Its ok I found a better boy friend and has given me the best gift ever" I whisper to him

"Yh Who is that and what is the gift he has given you"he asked while whispering

"You and this baby" I whisper

"Awe love you loads"he says

"Love you to" I say back

Then we kiss

I look over at Kelsey and Archie and they are cuddled together.

"Oh alex mum is coming to see us today but she is coming here is that ok Chloe" kelsey Says

Then we break away from our kiss

"Ok"alex said

"Yh that's fine because then our mums can speak and me and alex can tell our mums about the baby" I say to Kelsey

"Ok thank you" she says

"No problem" say back

We all watch the rest of the lion king.

Then Sadie,Jason, niall, and Paige comes into the lounge and sits down still half asleep.

I hear the door slam shut "honey chloe where are you"my mum shouts

I quickly grab a blanket and put it over me so she does she the bump.

"In the lounge" I shout back she walks into the lounge and sees us all

"Who are all these people but I no Sadie"mum said

"This is niall Paige jason you no Sadie Kelsey Archie and alex" I list everyone

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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