chapter 4

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Hey doing another chapter because Paige told me so

After watching big hero six we all went upstairs to bed. Alex and Kelsey was top and tail on my bed and I was camped on the floor.

We all went on our phones and I see Alex messaging someone one but I couldn't find out who.

As he sent the message I got a message from the random number saying

"Hope your face is ok I saw what happened"

"Yes my face is fine now and how did you see what happened?" I text back

"I was walking behind you"

"No you wasn't because I kept looking back and there was nobody there !" I text back confused.

"Maybe you wasn't looking far enough to see me" He texted back

I looked at Alex and as I got a little glance at his phone he turned it of.

There was something going on about him.

Kelsey's phone started ringing, it was the little brat.

She went down stairs to answer it.

About ten minutes later she can back upstairs and said that archie is waiting outside for her and she will be back tomorrow evening. Then she left.

I tired to get comfortable on the floor but my floor was wood so it wasn't that nice to sleep on.

"You can come up here if you like" Alex said moving over.

I quickly jumped up and got in the bed.

"Thank you it was so cold down on the floor "I say laying in the warmth where he was laying before.

Alex laughs a little and says, "no problem."

"Who were you texting a minute ago?" I asked.

"Oh um, just a friend." He said unconvincing.

"Oh okay." I said, turning so my back was facing him.

"You can lay on my chest if want." Alex said and smiles at me.

So i did jeeze he was warm.

"Are you still cold?" Alex asked

"Yes, a bit" I say

He pulled me closer to him and put another blanket over me.

"Better" he asked

"Yep" and then I started to fall asleep

"Night little one" Alex said then kissed me on the head.

"Night blondy" i say back

Alex pov

"Night little one" i say to her because she is smaller me than

"Night blondy" she replied back then falls asleep she looks so cute when she is asleep.

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