Setting the Record Straight

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A/N: Hi, hello, so this is sort of the prologue to my story. And it's dedicated to the lovely person who made the cover for it, @TrafficCop :) she's pretty awesome, eh. ;) Anywho, I hope you like it! I'd appreciate some comments because if I finish this this summer, my mom and I might self publish it :)))


                                                                          The Confession

            They say that people never ever forget the worst thing they ever said in their lifetime. Okay, maybe that’s just me... But you know what they also say? They say that a person never forgets the worst day of his life. And I for a fact believe that because it has been tested and proven, by well, myself.

                The worst day of my life – actually, it was night. So technically, it was the worst night of my life. Anyway, the point is, the worst night of my life was an evening full of worsts. That night was the night, I swear on everything I hold dear on this planet, I almost died of embarrassment. That was the night I had the chance I have been waiting for forever for, but I let my stupidity ruin everything.

                That was the night I said the worst thing I ever said. The worst words I could possibly say that ruined and possibly forever severed my chances with the girl I was completely head over heels for.

                             I still remember that night as clearly as if it were yesterday…


                It wasn’t quite late, but it was hands down, still early to leave. The blaring music made everything around me thump – Literally. The house felt like it was jumping up and down a bit too. Every element about the party was screaming for a police visit.

                I set the red cup in my hand to my lips as I searched the crowd for my sister, but she was nowhere to be found. As I did though, I caught sight of her best friend, Sarah.

                Sarah. I didn’t know if it was just me, but she looked quite pale from where I stood. Her golden locks were tied up in a high messy ponytail and she was frowning. After a bit of squinting, I realized that she was talking to someone.

                Josh. Her boyfriend. My heart sank a bit at the sight of them together. Very cliché, I know. They were standing there, but they weren’t exactly talking. They looked like they were arguing. Josh was a bit of a jerk. And no, that is not a biased opinion. He really genuinely is a douche bag. I know this because like I said, Sarah is my sister’s best friend. He wasn’t always like that though, he just changed (more on that later). Anyway, from what I know, their relationship was on the rocks, and sadistic and pathetic as it may sound, I hoped and prayed for them to just break it off.

                It was really terrible of me, I know that. But I don’t know. I couldn’t help myself. Anyway, they bickered there for a few more minutes and Sarah walked off. She took the nearest route out via the glass doors that led to the veranda and out the back yard.

                Knowing Josh’s personality, I expected that he wouldn’t follow her. And he didn’t. He watched her go, completely upset as he went the other direction I took this as my chance to be Sarah’ knight-in-shining-armor.

Setting the Record StraightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora