Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

​"Chris, does this make me look like a dork?" Chloe asked, pertaining to the numerous IDs she had on her lanyard.

​ "No, no it does not," I replied, not even bothering to look. I was too busy starting the car. Chloe gave me an annoyed look and then started fussing over her already fixed necktie. Why was it that people kept asking other people questions and then got upset whenever they got an answer they didn't like? Wasn't the reason for asking was to get an honest answer?

​ I pulled the car out of the driveway and drove out of our block just as Chloe asked, "How was soccer practice?" I raised an eyebrow and glanced over to her with the use of my peripheral vision. She never asked about sports unless someone 'good-looking' was involved and for other reasons completely unrelated to sports or whatsoever. It surprised me that she still even asked questions about it sometimes.

​ "Good," I replied, nevertheless. "Why do you ask?"

​ "Oh nothing," Chloe chirped as she pulled her bag out from the backseat. She started rummaging through it, for what, I didn't know. "Hey Chris, could you give me some pointers on drawing? Sarah told me about how you taught her and stuff."

​ I let my right hand fall off from the steering wheel as we came to a halt in front of a stop light. I turned to face my twin and gave her a look. She gave me an equally accusing stare as the one I was giving her. "What am I doing wrong this time?"

​"Chris, she thinks you're gay."

​ "I specifically remember you and Dan telling me that I shouldn't tell her right away that I am in fact not gay and that I only said that due to my almost nervous breakdown," I retorted. "Also, it was just that. We weren't doing anything bad."

​ Chloe looked unconvinced, which made me want to defend myself even more. "Look, all I'm saying is that one way or another, you're still lying to her. I'm just warning you. She won't be happy about all this when she finds out. Also, she hasn't told me anything concrete about Josh, but I'm pretty sure they're still connected somehow."

​ I snorted. "I'm not afraid of Josh, if that's what you're trying to put across," I said as the light went green once more. I wasn't one of those guys who liked getting into fights, but it was true. Josh honestly did not scare me. He may come off as intimidating, but if you knew who he was, you wouldn't worry. Or maybe that was just me.

​ Chloe looked like she wanted to say more, but in the end she finally let it slide. "Don't say I didn't warn you," she said.

​"Noted," I stiffly replied. We didn't talk much after that, but what she said did bother me a bit. What if Sarah does get pissed when she finds out? I would be pissed if the tables were turned and it was me who got lied to.​

Like I said before, I'm not afraid of Josh or anything like that. I'm just bothered by the fact that he may still be with Sarah and I find it so unfair that someone like him is with someone like her. I'd have asked Sarah straight up about the truth, but then again, I was pretty sure she wouldn't tell. Also, it's not like I was the best one to question people about the truth considering this mess I got myself into.

​ "I think Chloe's right," Dan said after I had elaborated my eventful ride to school. We were sitting at our usual table at the courtyard. "I mean, any person would be pissed if they find out that a person close to them has been lying to them for a long span of time."

​ "Whose side are you on?" I muttered out of annoyance.

​ Dan held his hands up in mock surrender "Look," he said, "I'm just telling you the truth. So if I were you, I'd start avoiding her now for about the rest of the school year and then on graduation tell her the truth of you not being gay and that the reason for your avoidance of her is the fact that you didn't want to lie to her about your identity."

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