Chapter Two

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A/N: I dedicate this one to weirdhyperinsane, because when I first came here on Wattpad, I was to shy to post my originals, so I posted my fanfics, and people liked them so much and most of them never really minded me when I posted the originals I was so shy of putting up. 

So yeah, this one's for her because she's been sticking to me ever since I started these changes of mine. Thanks for the support, I know I sound redundant, but it's simple comments like hers that remind me that there are still people there.:)xx

Chapter Two

                “So let me get this straight – no pun intended,” Dan – my best friend – said, with an expression of utmost confusion on his face. “You, Christopher Anderson James West –”

                “That’s my name,” I muttered with an annoyed sigh. We were sitting in Dan’s living room playing video games; well I was playing video games. Chloe and Sarah went off on some sort of escapade, they invited me (actually it was only Sarah who did) to come along, but I said no. I needed to talk to someone about this and I obviously couldn’t discuss it with Chloe just yet.

                So as soon as they left, I left too. Dan’s house wasn’t far off from ours. It was only about a block and a half away. Dan went on, “…told Sarah Richards, the girl you’ve been obsessed with for only the lord knows how long, that you’re gay?”

                “That is,” I hit pause and threw my controller out of frustration, “basically it.”

                Dan gave me a look. “Are you even serious right now?” I groaned and let my head loll back on the couch. This was hopeless. “Look, man, all I’m saying is, of all the things you could say, why’d you say that?” he got up from the stool he was sitting at and walked over to the kitchen.

                “You know how terrible my social skills are when it –”

                “– Involves Sarah Richards,” Dan finished, reemerging from the kitchen with some coffee. Dan was as much of a caffeine addict as my sister. “I know. And now I want you to look at where it was got you. Think about how much of a shitty situation this is.”

                “Do you honestly think I don’t know how shitty this is?”

                Dan snorted. You see, Dan was a smartass. He was one of the best guys in our class, but you may never notice it mainly because he’s one of the most sarcastic people to ever grace this planet. “Yes, I believe you have no idea how much shit you got yourself in as a matter of fact,” he replied.

                Dan was one of those people who you could picture turning into a therapist someday. A cold, hard, and straightforward therapist who tells people how they have gotten themselves into deep shit the moment they finish telling Dan their problems.

                I’m pretty sure therapists shouldn’t work that way – I’ve seen how my dad works – but I don’t know, I just think Dan qualifies for the job. “I mean, think about it, Chris,” Dan said as he took a sip of his coffee. “You’ve seen her without clothes on –”

                “She was in her bra and shorts, dammit!”

                “Still!” Dan pointed a finger at me. “That’s almost basically the same thing!”

Okay, maybe he did have a point. Seeing as I did not have a comeback, Dan went on to saying, “Do you think she’ll be okay when you tell her the truth with that detail? She’ll think you’re a pervert, man, which you actually are.”

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