Chapter three

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Chapter three

One of the perks of having busy parents would have to be the fact that they aren’t usually around physically. Don’t get me wrong, our parents always make sure to have time for us, but of course, they can’t monitor our twenty four hours a day.

Anyway, I saw this because when I finally got to talk to Chloe of my predicament, her reactions were quite….Loud.

“No you don’t understand,” I said with a sigh as I watched her set her clothes neatly in her closet. She was a messy neat freak. There were points where her room would go into disarray and then she would go off and clean and it would be as good as new. Those points usually came along during the summer. She kept things organized when school was around. “She might think I’m a perv!”

“You ARE a perv!” Chloe practically screamed. She shut her closet door and walked over to her bed. She threw a random pillow at me as she started fixing her covers. “You stood there watching her change her clothes and she didn’t know how wrong it was because you weren’t even gay!”

“In my defense, I was unable to speak at the time,” I countered, “That, and what is with you girls and gay dudes. Are you telling me that if some dude was gay, you wouldn’t mind changing clothes in front of him?”

“Well yeah, duh, he’s gay,” Chloe said, in a tone as if everyone should know that.

“But he’s still a guy,” I pointed out.

“But he isn’t into girls therefore he is not a pervert,” she shot me a look, “That and I wouldn’t mind if he was my friend or like a sales guy or something like that.” She moved away from her bed and started fixing her desk. “Sarah’s like that too. And you fall into her ‘friend’ category.” She shot me another look. “That’s why she did that. And you took advantage of her, perv.”

“I am not a – ugh,” I stopped myself midsentence. “Chloe, could you just help me out? What should I do?” I found it unfair that Chloe was being difficult. I was her twin brother, for God’s sake. I was just as embarrassed as she was when our mother made us wear matching clothes up to the point until we were ten. I saw how much pain she was in when she first got her period. I even brought her milk every single morning to help with her cramps.

I have heard every single acceptance speech she ever gave out. I was there when she bawled out her eyes when Gossip Girl ended, and I was there when she first failed an exam. I cut classes and took her to Only Hope for coffee for Christ’s sake.

I’ll admit, half of that stuff I did begrudgingly, but half I did out of brotherly love.

I knew my predicament was stupid and crappy, but I needed her help and she was being stubborn. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration as Chloe went on with what she was doing. “Ugh, whatever, if you aren’t gonna help me, fine.” I headed for the door. “There’s still Dan and Eli anyway…” Not like they’d be of much help.

“Oi!” She chucked another pillow towards me. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” I let get of the doorknob and faced her once more with a look of confusion on my face.

“Leaving. You obviously aren’t gonna help me, so why waste my time?” Chloe rolled her eyes as she picked up the pillow she threw at me and set it back on her bed.

“I didn’t say anything about not helping you, twat,” she muttered, she had her eyes narrowed at me. “And you’re gonna ask help from Dan and Eli? Are you even serious right now? Do you honestly want to get into deeper shit?” The look on her face made it look like the very idea of her question would be the death of me. Well, I couldn’t really blame her on that one.

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