Chapter Seven

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A/N: I try my best to keep myself three chapters ahead before I post, and I finished this chapter about two months ago (along with the others) but got so busy with school, and I know some of you won't believe this, but in all honesty (This was mainly due to my extreme stress and fatigue); I forgot to upload it. I'M SERIOUS. Anyway, I love you guys, and I hope you people still have a space for me in your hearts.

Chapter Seven

                “Dude, this is the best thing that has ever happened to you! Do you not know what this means, or do I have to whack your head with a stick or something?” They say that every person has two consciences: the good side, the little angel telling you the right thing to do, and the bad side which features the little devil with his little pitchfork, telling you to go and be evil.

                I too have two consciences. One would have to be the cynical, but sensible Dan and the other one would have to be this right here, the psychotic Eli.

                If it were up to me, I would never even tell any of this to Eli, but I don’t really have the power to go back to the past and reverse what has been done. A man can’t un-hear what he has already heard. “So what you’re trying to tell us right now is that Chris here is lucky because he just made a fool of himself in front of Richards?” Dan chimed in. “We should really have that brain of yours checked, man.”

                “He told her that he was gay, Eli,” Dan repeated, slowly this time as if he were teaching a first grader. Eli rolled his eyes as though he was some sort of all-knowing-one.

                “I know. Chris just told the story, Dan,” Eli said. “And things couldn’t be better; I mean she thinks you’re gay!”

                                                                                This was a hopeless cause.

                “And how is that a good thing exactly?” I asked. I shouldn’t have, by the way. There was no point in doing so in the first place. “I’m pretty sure that basically sends me to the friendzone. The gay friendzone.” That place was the worst of all the zones.

                Eli pretty much ignored what I said and gave me a look as if I were the stupidest person at our table. “Look dude, this is an opportunity. Have you never seen one of those chick flicks? This is basically one of those things! Take the leap, my friend.”

                “So basically, what you’re saying is that Chris should go on with this charade?” Dan said aloud, echoing my thoughts. “Eli, you were crazier than I thought you were. Also, last time I checked, Chris is the one with the sister, so would you care explaining to us as to why you watch chick flicks?”

                Eli gave him a dark look and then went back to me and said, “I can’t believe you went to Dan for advice on this, man. I mean, he has never even had a girlfriend!”

                “So have you!” Dan retorted, clearly offended with Eli’s accusation which was ironically the truth.

                “I am deeply offended,” Eli went on, “Dan knows nothing about these things.”

                “This isn’t about any of that, Eli,” I finally said. It was tiring job being friends with Eli. This is basically why I’d rather have him not know of any of this. “All I’m asking you is to not tell anyone –”

                “What makes you think I’ll tell anyone?” Eli said, obviously offended for real this time around. “I’m your best friend just like Dan!” Dan was about to laugh and say something sarcastic, but I elbowed him to make sure he choked on it all instead.

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